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"civvie be nice to slipgate ironworks" NO

stepmom once called me an "old soul" and i still think about that a lot

ill blend in with a plushie pile and then Stare at people perfectly Still

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i want to go full haunted doll for haloween

are chickens just like
the sassiest bird or is it just me who feels that

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Urgent PSA for all trans folk referred to London GIC (aka Tavistock GIC, Tavistock and Portman; formerly Charing Cross) who are still on the waiting list 

Hey folks :TransHeart: :NonBinaryHeart:

You may receive an SMS text from +44 7860 039092 or similar. It will read along the lines of:

From: Tavistock GIC

Hello, you are on the waiting list waiting to be seen at the GIC you were referred between 20## - 20##. We understand during this wait some patients will no longer wish or need to be seen.

Please respond to our question via our secure portal within the next 14 days.

Thank you.

We've seen screenshots of people of people referred 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. This was the Reddit post that made us aware of this. A friend of ours, referred in 2019-2020, received and responded last week.

It very much looks like the NHS powers that be have contracted a third party to reach out to patients on this GIC's waiting list, in the hopes that many won't respond in time for any number of reasons. They're trying to artificially reduce their huge waiting list via nefarious means, rather than tackling the systemic issues.

If you have been referred to this GIC and haven't yet received an SMS text, or you have changed your mobile phone number or any other details, you can attempt to log in to the main login portal without the unique code.

Please note that you may not be able to log in to their portal without this third party having been sent your details. We'd highly recommend that if you've not yet received an SMS text and were referred between 2019 and 2021 that you urgently message both your NHS GP surgery and the GIC via email ( or phone number.

Please spread this far and wide. People need to know about this, so they don't lose their place in the queue and have to be referred again 🥺

Lives could literally depend on this 😞

#trans #transgender #NHS #NHSEngland #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransHealthcare #TransLivesMatter #healthcare #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #queer #TransLiberation #TransLiberationNow #TransPeopleAreLoved

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dreams, + 

Magical Girl dream again! cute soft dress outfit and all!

why do i always cone up with pretty names for characters that i then want for myself

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.