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vampire request 

can i bite you, just a small bit?

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

sometimes i wonder if i had past lives, and if so, what or who was i

at least I dont have to keep track of aa many pieces but the second I lose track of where im putting stuff I'm fucked

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First M Roll
Heboris Master G2
Big mode
no screenshot because its not much different from the other runs

only thing left is to hopefully get good and or lucky enough to survive like 60 second invisible big tetris

you would not believe the stuff younger me made with bionicle

a weapon to surpass metal gear

sometimes i feel weird cause everyone around me knows how to programming on here and I do not by any means have very much programming skill nor do I really have much of a want to do so beyond simple silly digital toys.

i think i have confirmed a robotic component isnt part of my gender for now...

but robots are very cute

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