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quote from wiki'd pedia about sukeban 

"...sketches used to identify them in Japanese police pamphlets in the 1980s described aspects of their fashion as "omens of downfall""

alright girls new goal.

this joke has probably been made before 

horny on main? nono horny in maine

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted
mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

Hey y’all, the ASL interpreter who signs at my choir’s shows (and is a black trans woman) is facing housing loss right now, and has a gofundme. #mutualsupport #mutualaid

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

@rockario new pinch-point-free dolls with Snugglesafe technology!

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

ok so listen

where my #lesbian and/or #sapphic identified folx?

I'm out here on a very lightly federated instance, so when I search the hashtags there are relatively few posts.

pls boost and/or uncloak thx

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted
mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: :egirl: boosted

my particular combination of four tongues and cultural exposures means that when a Turkish guy in Germany calls me Chefin I feel like a yakuza bosslady

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the requirements get more complex and intense in all later games. requirements on per section speed, tetris requirements, the Master Roll...

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TGM1 despite not having hard drop or hold or three piece preview, is the easiest game in the TGM series. both for getting grandmaster and just for clearing in general

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.