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dolls can be trusted with highly advanced energy weapons

if everything works the way i think it does that is

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expect bugtris for cambridge by the end of 2024

it wasnt as fun as i thought itd be so
i was also using it to tease a tetris thing im planning to release around christmas

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they should make dresses that keep themselves warm for the winter

i ran out of beetles for advent of beetle

what if 😳 we played on 😳 the same astro city cab at the same time...and kissed? just kidding...unless...

mimo "curiosity core given a human form" rosegarden

shut UP tumblr i want to look at art stop login gating me >:(

a new TGM3 Classic Rule GM was crowned early this morning

urge to port more sdl games and apps to psvita without any coding experience to help with this increasing

mimo :heart_clockwork: boosted

cursed asbestos posting 

@lyncia lung fireproofing with asbestos helps inexperienced smokers chain smoke like a seasoned professional 👍

cursed asbestos posting 

remember to take your asbestos supplements to boost lung strength

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