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dolls, Art Doll 

The room was filled with various tools and colors, easels and stands. The clockwork fingers moved a brush across canvas, the face and dress stained with various paints and colors, painting a foreign landscape not of this world. It hums to itself softly, moving with grace and precision as the only other sounds audible were the soft ticking of its heart. Its eyes modified to have several layers of adjustible magnification, for fine details. It loved seeing its work hung from the walls of the house. It loved creating all sorts of things. Materials and papers cluttered the center table. Designs of dresses for the other dolls sat neatly in a stack on a desk next to a sewing machine. A typewriter sat with a short story written on it, the paper not yet torn off to add to the growing binders on the shelves. It had no thoughts other than the details of what it created or is creating for Miss. A trash bin holds rejected designs and failed pieces. Its Purpose is to create. Sometimes it gets a bit too focused, and unwinds. Sometimes it takes the others a moment to notice, because of how quiet and shy it is, hiding in its studio. It doesn't mind the Stillness, but it does mind the racing thoughts of ideas it cannot work on while stuck unwound.

if ur lonely theyre lonely
snuggle ur plushies

when nintendo detects you're uploading issues of Nintendo Power

*payday 2 [police assault in progress] alert*

anyway theres a shmup called Space Moth: Lunar Edition?

saw this from traabot stolen for captioning and edit

fuck the balloons an entire section of ohio is unlivable for anything and the people responsible have names and addresses

Kona's Arcade Fun Facts #2: "Superplayers" 

Which brings me to my second term: "superplayer"

"Konab Konab! You call yourself a superplayer! what does that mean?"

Ok! Will explain as well as I can!!
~( 'ω'~)

A superplayer is kinda like those rlly skilled speedrunners but instead of speedruns they're really good at scoring really high in one or a few games. They tend to be very dedicated to the game(s) they've chosen and tend to hone strategies and routes down for the rest of us or even get asked by arcade game companies to send in runs to distribute as dvds or tapes! (A bunch are on YouTube!!!). However, this comes at a cost as playing these games can become a very draining grind and as some Japanese world record holders for STGs have said: "The game will eventually no longer be fun."

"Wait but you jump around games, and hold no known world records!"

Yes thats correct! I use the term very very loosely. I have the dedication of one but not the skill! I have been called a superplayer before in the context of games on mobile devices which I have near top leaderboard entries in! So I use the title loosely.

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Kona's Arcade Facts #1: Counterstop 

"kona whats a counterstop"

:D im glad you asked :blob_rainbow: (no, really! :blobcatlove: )

some arcade style games (either through/by their design or by accident) have exploits or glitches that allow for obtaining a theoretically infinite ammount of score. A counterstop run is where the player seeks to score until the score counter overflows or stops counting (very often the later). Its a very dedicated type of challenge that often requires patience and high amounts of repitition as well as knowledge of certain strategies or glitches to do.

miss having a cute little star ptojector for nighttime so i could project stars onto my ceiling

so im basically chiaki:
- jacket (all the time almost)
- cute littl bag or backpack
- allegedly very talented at viddy gaymes
- soft
- shy (not very talkative to people i dont already know)
- autistic (will infodump about gaymes a lot)
- prebby
- very sleepy

👉👈 honestly unsure if i wanna mark this as a shitpost or not

hitting the character limit by awa'ing 



heartbreaking: soft girl has to exit bed

"safety" cw: dollfic, damage, repair 

its tired
so tired
a tiredness rest cannot heal
cracked porcelin, gears slowing to a halt
its heart hurts
all it ever wanted was safety
3 years of high alert, for nothing but sorrow
its arm comes detatched, it stumbles and falls to its knees
cant walk much further
the doll falls and lays restless in the snow.
maybe the flowers that will grow through its shell eventually will comfort it enough to sleep.
the eyes close with a tired smile.

She picks it up after seeing it collapse out in the yard, carries it inside, lays it down carefully, to not disturb its slumber.
Carefully using a glittery gold colored glue-like substance to heal the cracks and create a beautiful kind of art.
the arm is reattatched, a matching winding key is found.
She places the doll softly into a bed and sits by it while it rests, quietly reading.

It has not slept so soundly in years.

dream i just had 

so like i was back in high school and there was this unofficial walkout planned in protest of like.....the stop cop city thing, and somebody managed to get a bunch of big speakers out and was essentially holding an inpromptu concert in a grassy area, and i look around and everyone is just standing there not really doing anything and then everyone went back inside except for me and the person doing the concert stuff until unknown folks dragged us both back inside to class and i just kinda did my usual "half pay attention and play with my digital dress up dolls while pretending to take notes" thing and then i woke up.

also i was the only one wearing a mask.

woke up kinda pissed and annoyed.

mutual aid post 

hi, im a writer and pixel artist currently unemployed and could use some help paying bills and such. only need around 40 or so dollars atm.

kofi in my bio

Microfiction, "Evaccanner" 

"whos she" he asked, gesturing at the girl who walked into the bar with a small bag slung over her shoulder.

"dont know her? thats Evaccanner." said the bartender

*ball jointed fingers drumming on the counter*

"whose its witch"

"thats the funny part. they share a body, but its mostly the doll that speaks. scavengers the both of them. sorta handy with computer tech and i've seen their graffitti tags around here before." the bartender replied, suddenly producing a cup of water for the doll and sliding it across the bartop to it wordlessly.

"what type?" repied the man

"what do you mean?"

"like, combat or..."

"technically combat but it seems rather multipurpose"

"like a doll version of a Swiss Army Knife"


The doll remained still and rather wordless watching the two talk about her. she silently put some money down for the water and left as swiftly as she had entered, without them noticing her departure. As she did. She was good at merging with a crowd, not good at staying around one though.

i took one of those like "which -dere are you" quizzes and got tsundere

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