
Microfiction, "Evaccanner" 

"whos she" he asked, gesturing at the girl who walked into the bar with a small bag slung over her shoulder.

"dont know her? thats Evaccanner." said the bartender

*ball jointed fingers drumming on the counter*

"whose its witch"

"thats the funny part. they share a body, but its mostly the doll that speaks. scavengers the both of them. sorta handy with computer tech and i've seen their graffitti tags around here before." the bartender replied, suddenly producing a cup of water for the doll and sliding it across the bartop to it wordlessly.

"what type?" repied the man

"what do you mean?"

"like, combat or..."

"technically combat but it seems rather multipurpose"

"like a doll version of a Swiss Army Knife"


The doll remained still and rather wordless watching the two talk about her. she silently put some money down for the water and left as swiftly as she had entered, without them noticing her departure. As she did. She was good at merging with a crowd, not good at staying around one though.

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