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should I make a Zine about what bluejacking is/was among other neat digital things you can do like passive wardriving?

this artifact is a benign seal who helps with obtaining high scores
cherish him, for he is powerful and goofy

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microfiction, polite interrogation scene 

She entered the room. He couldn't see her very well but as she got closer he saw the dress. A very beautiful dress. Very weird for the sterile room they were in.

she got close to the table, her hands entering the light. He saw the finger joints...doll-like, like a prosthetic hand styled like a toy puppet. It was uncanny but yet beautifully delicate and smooth looking.

"I have one question, and one question only."

He wondered what she wanted. Company credit card details, passwords, logins?

"Who is the CEO?"

He froze. That had become a closly guarded secret of the corporation after the string of strange deaths of various oil execs across the world.

"Who is the CEO?" She asked again, in the same calming tone of voice. Though it sounded calming, it didnt make him less tense.

"Are you ok?" She asked, head cocking to one side. "I can get you some tea if you are thirsty."

His mind spun with ideas. Was this a test of his loyalty? He wondered if this was the company testing him. He worried for his life.

"You do know they don't care about you or your loyalty."

How did she know?

"Tell me the name, and I will make sure you remain unharmed."

He thought carefully. If they truely meant to give him protection then he could finally be free.

He spoke the name.
He swore she smiled in the darkness beyond the dim lamp.

"Thank you. You may stay or leave, it is up to you. If you need anything, simply ask."

She bowed, and left the room.

Hacking is not just a lifestyle
its a survival trait

you enter a room. Theres a BED in the corner. Theres a BLAHAJ on the bed. theres a GIRL sleeping in the bed.

i dont struggle with same sex attraction im actually quite good at it

snale race,,,,

*hops up onto table*
*knocks your twitter crossposter to the floor, breaking it, while looking you in the eyes*

mutual aid post v2 

I uh
am very low on funds
and i have kofi and the ability to make tiny icons and stuff
white transfemme chiptune and pixel artist
kofi in my profile
no albumns out yet but I'm learning to use LSDJ on gameboy so it might be a hot minute before I get anything out

Welcome to Fedi! Some quick notes! 

hi birdsite folks welcome to fedi.
- isnt the "big place" or central server.
- nfts dont fly here period. full fucking stop.
- please cw nudes and stuff, theres kids here. also kids are people too, unless you have a good reason (like primarily posting lewds or nudes) try not to exclude.
- clout doesn't exist here, dont pick fights lest you find yourself ousted
- read people's bios before following
- at least tell us your pronouns
- you're not a refugee
- if you're homophobic, transphobic, or whatever you might as well just leave now, spare us your petty whining.
- enjoy yourself here
- hashtags are ok to use and encouraged like which is cat posting on Saturday usually
- mh means "mental health" and ph means "physical health"
- please be respectful and remember that we are all creatures here, human or not
- caption ur pictures (i have blind followers so i try not to boost pictures that aren't described either in post text or the cursor hover box)
other experienced fedi users can add on to this or correct things i got wrong

mutual aid request 

i guess its my turn to ask for help:
im a white, trans-femme chiptune artist thats running low on funds and is seeking some help.
my monthly payments right now:
college tuition bullshit(basically debt from daring to try higher education): $50
phone bill: $30

i would appreciate greatly if anybody could help me in any way until i get a stable source of income (either from music or part time job or something).

Im trying to get beep borps and meep morps (chiptune music) out soon for debut but my janky computer is not helping with that much.

my kofi is linked in my fedi profile!

gonna be rebuilding my exocortex properly this time with scripts to pull weather among other things

1. weather pulling script/oneliner
2. calibre rss stuff (set to convert to text)

am making a "fortune" style app for kai os but I need quotes. I call upon thee Fedi!!! QUOTES FOR THE QUOTE GOD

personal "scavengers code", longish 

1. take only what you need, leave what you dont for others who do unless the material is in danger of being lost
2. if you do take extra material, share freely when possible, and especially for those who cannot easily go out and scavenge traditionally
3. computational power can be shared. friendship is power.
4. competition over the "best" materials: if disputes arise over a bit of material they should be settled peacefully if possible. propose your uses and see who would benefit more, or share the material between the both of you.
5. scavenge equipmemt may require a bit of love and care to become resiliant. be prepared to make repairs.
6. share the knowledge of repair with others if they show interest. keep the line of technicians going.
7. if gear is destroyed due to failed repair or other unseen catastrophe, not all is lost. make backups, and often. data is more fragile than hardware, and in many cases, more valueable
8. use power wisely, rechargable cells don't last forever.
9. handle rechargable cells with care. if a punctured cell is found, try to not carry it over great distance. clear an area to prevent any potential fire from spreading, or better yet, contain and prevent. id you see a burning cell, stay away from the fumes, they are dangerous to your health. try to contain the fire. sand is your friend, do not use water on lithium cells.

so a long time ago I was making a game inspired by Yume Nikki about my struggles with mental health and also my generally weird ass dreams.

well i'm gonna actually make that, instead of in gb maker i'm doing it in text because then I can just skip graphics (which I fuckin suck at) and focus on the writing (which i'm pretty good at i think after years of rp and some fanfiction writing among other things).

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