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the undying ray of positivity

Magical Orchid!

Orchid! boosted

🔞, kink 

when ur dom doms you into practicing self-care

Orchid! boosted

well gosh officer, I don't know whether it's "stock" or not.... thats just how I bought it! *twirls hair* I... I'm just a girl... *loosens the shoulder on my blouse* I don't know a lot about cars....

@rinmari my brain having trouble on how to interpret/read this

@patches my books are too powerful for you, colorer

hearing my name actually said to me and not over text hits different

im a freak goddessdamnit! (positive, self-empowering)

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i have to pretend to be somewhat normal today and its stressing me out cause i dont like being normal

i mean if the coloring pages are lewd thats one thing but i mean the ones with elaborate pictures to color in and detailed flowers and stuff

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