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I'm going to try this

but with a twist:

I'm going to do it in T9 on a real flip phone

today i will attempt to locate wig cap

mimara boosted

Does anyone on here work for #Autodesk, working on #autocad?

My partner and I have a friend who is 94 and probably your longest term user, and we wanted to see if we could talk to someone about getting him a lifetime subscription, now that he's retired (more recently than you'd think) and doesn't have work access.

#Engineering #Cad

mimara boosted

excitedly shouting "its dns!!! its here!! dns is here!!!!"

love wipeout 2048 and wipeout in general because

ship ai: "Plasma"
*charging noise*
*explosion noise as an anti grav racer flies off the track*
announcer: contender eliminated

sometimes think of the clip of that waffle house worker catching a chair out of the fucking air and just setting it down

mimara boosted

I have been scared to ask this question #onhere because it seems like the kind of thing I ought to be able to research— I need web hosting. Parameters:

1. Not godaddy- not morally compromised as much as this is possible.
2. Geared for a small hobbyist. Medium technical.
3. Small database, the ability to run server side code.
4. Under $60USD a month (inclusive)

Everything I’ve looked at so far has been too technical or had not enough features. I wonder if dbWired is still around? #techhelp

mimara boosted

unheard of: mima is looking at makeup beyond lipstick

mimara boosted
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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.