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can it stop being so fucking cold!!!!

mimara boosted

im just starting my transition, i need more local trans friends to help me with this process, please
i wont ask for much but i just want to feel like i belong
i cant do this alone

though i do not idealize either i see the reality of the world. there is no perfect place for me in this world and that is ok

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though i try to remain as respectful as possible when learning

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the creation of a fake license requires a real one, hence the restriction

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you will need to be modded to play these now unless you already have them installed on a vita

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there are japanese mobile phone game ports on PSM that im going to have to manually install today due to Sony clearing out the CDN of PSN stuff so I can't auto install with faked license.

not all of them have faked license available which sucks, but a good chunk do! there are some good i-mode ports of Jaleco stuff and japanese(?) indie games in there

god this might be the perfect format since I have a lot of trouble doing any kind of long form

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past me was too obedient to nonsense rules

my site is probably viewable from retro gear minus the obvious certificate issues

in this essay fitting entirely within one sms i will-

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picrew is the modern evolution of the Kisekae Set System digital paper dolls of the earlier computer eras

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