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god this might be the perfect format since I have a lot of trouble doing any kind of long form

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past me was too obedient to nonsense rules

my site is probably viewable from retro gear minus the obvious certificate issues

in this essay fitting entirely within one sms i will-

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picrew is the modern evolution of the Kisekae Set System digital paper dolls of the earlier computer eras

enioyed the option for makeup under the eyes to make me tired

because i am always tired

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perhaps a new writing project inspired by dream exploration

would greatly appreciate if it could live off its art but it does not seem possible to do so

*rolling word around in mouth* keitai...keitai...keitai

i would love to have one of those king fossil toys,,

"chapters usually consist of 70-100 words each due to character limitations on cell phones"

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very magical girl themed dreams last night

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