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mimo gender: napper, soft thing, cuddles


struggling to envision how i wish to appear

"ai generated" come ON FUCK OFFFF give me stuff by non-llms please

mimos true form is unknowable

mimara boosted

"Obviously, swords are male."

The swordmaster gave the student a tired look. "No."

"But sheaths must be fema-"

"Sheaths exist to protect swords from the world, and vice versa. Swords exist to kill and maim."

"Or be pretty," another student said.

"Indeed. And those roles aren't male or female."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #SmallStories

mimara boosted

better late than never, heres my Rolling Gunner Overpower clear on Expert from earlier this month:

this sat on my hdd cause I got sidetracked with other things

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mimara boosted

hierarchy of needs and the entire pyramid is "giant beetle friend I can fly upon and destroy my foes with"

when i fix a device something swaps in my brain
its not just like, my ps vita or gba

its *my* ps vita and gba

mimara boosted

the thermocouple repair on my little evenheat kiln opened something in my brain. i already cared about right to repair but it made me imagine a structurally different and better relationship to technology

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i think if we can expect what we get from kilns, from sewing machines, from bicycles, and apply that to the other things we depend on, we could be in a better place with our relationship to technology

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so much of the trauma of living in the modern world is about lack of agency, a death by a thousand cuts of the indignity of having our lives controlled by microsoft, by facebook, by google and apple

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