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re: rhythm gamer self-deprecation culture 

@rinmari meanwhile me who had only really ever played mobile rhythm games and was completely unaware of this behavior

mimara boosted

@lyncia superplayer worship culture is a hell of a drug

like even if I cant play the hardest rhythm game charts or whatever
that just means i gotta practice more

theres always that tendency to only look at those who surpass you and forget how far you've come in your skill at something

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💭im actually really fucking good at video games tbh

mimara boosted

asking for help, family- 

hey chat my parents made a college savings account for me, but being the piece of shit she is my mom's threatening to take it away unless i let her be invasive and stuff

anyone have any pointers as to how i can take control of that savings account, and my finances in general?

(in the united states, am 17 (18 in 6 months), don't know specifics of the finance stuff unfortunately but i could probably find it)

@nightjar ill assume standard tube size

good luck

mimara boosted

i cannot avoid being cute
its impossible
i do too many stereotypically moe things to not be cute apparently

mimara boosted

mutual aid, urgent 

I've been living off of credit for a few months now but I can't pay it off and the bank is threatening me again with cutting it off. I'm just so tired trying to cut spending as much as I can, I sleep most of the day and try to eat as cheaply as I can but it's hard enough for me to eat in general and idk how to save more. I really need help, I'm in bed most of the day but I barely sleep, I don't know what to do. Please help me

love my friends! *a chibi mimara appears and a bunch of heart icons explode outwards from it*

got my rss setup, email, vlc, office stuff, lynx, tic80, handbrake

just need Pico 8, libdvdcss, torrent client for my linux isos, my movies (and plex maybe, depends how much memory it uses idle)

tiney compy

if i released volumes of haiku in book form would others even buy them

theres so many genders on this social network

and bug
and [untranslatable ancient text]
and haunted dress up dolly (me)

"what are you career goals" i want to be warm and surrounded by plushies

the maid dress stays on until server maintinence is complete

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