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extremely cranky from lack of sleep 

what is it people like about dogs so fucking much they bark constantly and theyre loud and fucking loud LOUD LOUD LOUD LOUD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP

kitten eye contact, meme 

is this anything

Orchid! boosted

Mutual aid, deportation 

Please donate to help Bastion, who has been detained for months now, despite him and his partners spending years getting a green card.
They have a hard story and both did have a very rosey view of the u.s. before this happened to them


Orchid! boosted

cute girls named "please unlock sda3_crypt" keep texting me when i turn on my computer

Orchid! boosted

computer, show me cute

thank you computer

I knew keeping the og cd around would be handy someday

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dude I just want to download half life for fucks sake

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how do you randomly fuckup so badly your ip reports as being on the other side of the fucking country

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ipv6 is right there why are we using ipv4 on everything still

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