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I know someone who rebuffed such a request. Boss was apologetic "it's what the higher ups want, oh *I* think it's a lot of nonsense, but I don't want us to be out of step ... blah blah"

It was proposed to them in sheepish way. They said it would be a lot of work, not add anything of value, and most important they would not do it. It didn't come up again.

Fascism can be the work of zealots, but there are also many sheepish middle management helping hands who "don't even believe in this really"

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mimo combat dolling again (DeltaZeal 1cc attempts)

having a doll is a lot like having a girlfriend except one has unskippable dialogue tree storylines and the other can go in your inventory when you're done with it

US politics, computer touching, and protecting transgender people 

If you are not transgender, and you are in charge of software decisions and demographic information, here is a free tip:

Unless it is critically necessary to the function of your software, the best thing you can do to protect trans people at this time is to **not collect any gender information.**

There are almost zero cases where gender is relevant to the function of a piece of software. If your knee-jerk reaction is that your software does need it, please examine if that's really true, or if you just assumed.

Many non-transgender people think gender is a way to distinguish individuals. I search demographic records professionally. That isn't an adequate way to distinguish people from each other, it provides very little information. Many also feel gender is just a basic trait everything should ask about. Please recall that the safest approach to handling any sensitive data is to not store it at all.

If you have questions about something I've said here, please ask. I will answer your questions and we can talk about how to meet your goals.

uspol, emigration, GoFundMe 

Because of the recent election, me and my partner no longer feel safe in the US. We're able to move to Germany and have a plan made. We don't have as much saved as we'd like though, and safely moving into Germany will be tricky. We made a gofundme that I'll be linking to if anybody's able to contribute or share it along. I'd also love to get into contact with anybody in Germany who might be able to help talk us through some things. Thank you! 😊


If you are actively hiring for positions in a company that is friendly to transgender people, in a country that is safe for transgender people, and you are willing to sponsor visas for people seeking to emigrate for these positions, I would like to hear from you.

what if we

what if we both had ps vitas and played adhoc multiplayer blazblue?🥺

and we were both women

being slightly yearny 

a mimo is something you can feed homecooked meals too

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