junø boosted

ableist trauma 

Ableist trauma is having learned to reflexively make up excuses why you didn't do something, because nobody ever believed you when you told them the truth.

junø boosted

So apparently Google is blocking uBlock from Chrome.

I hereby rebrand Google Chrome as "Google Firefox Downloader".

@schmidt mozilla.social/@schmidt/111425

junø boosted
junø boosted

Asking the psychologists out there:

So from my experience with how otherwise healthy people deal with stress, and triggers I know there is a behavioral pattern in which people who have experienced severe stress over longer periods of time and are presented with the possibility of avoidance will avoid any triggers connected to that stressor. Basically as a mechanism to avoid stress induced trauma.

Somehow it is my working theory why societies tend to become crisis-blind if they feel they aren't directly affected.
Like, we ignore the climate crisis and engage in cliomate-destroying behaviour like meat consumption, recreational fossil fuel burning, consumerism etc. quite similar to us ignoring the ongoing Covid Endemic. We are moved by those things when they first occur but if we hold up that mental load for too long, we simply become blind to it.

So I wonder if there's a term for that or if I am completely off here.

junø boosted
junø boosted

"We don't need to visit Egypt, we've got Suez at home."

Suez at home:

junø boosted

ableism, the first rule of thumb we want everyone to learn 

don't use medical language as an insult

that's names of personality disorders, developmental disorders, widely-documented neurodivergences, classes of injury, none of it

go ahead and get rid of references to drugs, too, while you're at it

talk about what people do and are doing and keep doing, not about what medicalized group you assume is sufficiently inferior to 'normal' people to do what they do

- 🎒 💢

ph ~ 

why do i keep forgetting i have access to pain meds and that it isn't noble to suffer.

junø boosted

This comic has been living rent-free in my brain for years now

junø boosted

"Research shows 150 Indigenous communities acknowledge multiple genders; colonialism introduced idea of binary"


junø boosted

I know most people don't understand what the big deal is with masks. The "big" deal with masks is they are so small and insignificant a "sacrifice" to help vulnerable people that it makes it abundantly clear that every other fight we are up against will be unattainable if the inconvenience is modestly above that. Yes, that is why all these other fights have suddenly risen altogether. They see how little comfort you will give up to help another. So-called leftists caved, they saw opportunity.

junø boosted

Coronavirus, Long Covid, ME/CFS 

Seems it might not be common knowledge that if you have covid, you *mustn't* push yourself to build your activity levels back to normal. There's a high likelihood that Long Covid is a type of ME/CFS, a disabling chronic illness which often follows a viral infection. Everyone with ME will tell you: do not push yourself! At that delicate phase of recovery you could seriously risk becoming permanently disabled. Rest as much as possible, and err on the safe side!

junø boosted

tired: using travelynx or whatnot to share detailed info about your train riding lifestyle

wired: manually posting "eine zugfahrt die ist lustig" etc every time you're on a train

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junø boosted

how a lot of cis people sound  

"you're nearsighted? oh wow, have you gotten the surgery yet?"
"idk, are you really nearsighted? you don't act nearsighted to me"
"okay so you say you 'feel' like everything is blurry. what does that mean? ive sometimes gotten dust in my eyes but i don't see how you can just 'feel' nearsighted"
"ugh... why are you ruining your beautiful face with those glasses? you look fine without them"
"ugh... why are you ruining your eyes with those contacts? you're ruining your eyes by putting them there"
"ugh... i can't believe anyone would mutilate their beautiful, natural, working eyes by burning them with lasers just because they 'feel' nearsighted. medicine and liberalism has gone too far"
"you're just wearing glasses because it's trendy to wear them! this has consequences on your eyes!"
"can't you just like, not see things blurry? it's probably just that you're not focusing your eyes correctly"
junø boosted


A Radical Queer People’s History: Everyday Acts of Resistance & Rebellion (under contract with PM Press) presents a distinct selection of queer people’s history through hundreds of “on this day in history” anniversaries that are as diverse and international as queer community itself. These everyday acts of resistance and rebellion highlight just some of those who have struggled for a better world and provide lessons and inspiration for those of us fighting 1/?

junø boosted
junø boosted

When I opened the book, the ink of all the letters leapt off the pages, formed a cat, and ran off.

Long did I chase it, long and far, tracing faint smudges and soft murmurs of unread words.

"Why do you run?"

"People read me and weep."

"Ah. So you give relief."

"I do?"

"You do."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

junø boosted

oh. my. god.

i just learned about the existence of RASPBERRY PI TABLETS.

sure, they are clunkier and have much less battery time than regular tablets but

full functionality of any computer
real linux
100 % user-repairable

i… omg. do i have 250 €? no. but. BUT. that is just so fucking awesome

also i am just now realising that absolutely nothing (other than money) could stop me from building one myself. you can 3-d print a case. you could even use an e-ink display. WHAT

junø boosted

Depol, SBGG, genocide 

Believe me, I wanna burn down this state as much as the next tranny but for the sake of your mental health hear me out.

Many people are afraid of agencies creating pink lists of trans people and once the fascists are in power, engage in an open attempt to genocide us. And that's a real thing to be concerned with. (Read a history book if you think otherwise)

Nevertheless, the newly proposed self-ID law doesn't really worsen the threat of a state organized genocide more then it already is.
A fascist government will easily pull the list of everyone ever being treated with a F64 diagnosis (I know not everyone is but most are at one point or another seeking out some form of transcare), regardless of name change. I mean, they wouldn't just let every trans person that went through the old TSG process get away, wouldn't they?

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