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meta, pol, fire 

Let's break some discourse windows, and their frames too. Better yet, burn the house the discourse window is in.

mh ~+ 

the plushies hunt and eat the Bad™

cn meta 

Is it just my feed or are people using content notes less? I am not happy with this development.

junø boosted
junø boosted


Composting is just feeding vegetables to other vegetables, ie. vegetable cannibalism

junø boosted

Sexuality reference, text 

Being openly horny on the internet is an act of rebellion against the repressive coercions of an ever-more prudish and corporatised mainstream culture, a moral good.

plurality shitpost 

The singlet urge to name ones headmates.

junø boosted

conversion therapy website hacked 

gay/trans conversion therapy website factsaboutyouth dot com got pwnd

make sure to be gay on the computer or alan turing died for nothing

junø boosted

:hammyblush: Had my first review of NON-PLAYER CHARACTER on kobo! And it's super lovely!

Reminder that reviews are incredibly helpful in getting indie books seen by potential readers, so thanks to everyone who takes the time to review things on the site of their choice. :bear_hugs:

junø boosted

they said be the change you want to see in the world so we bought 14 smolhaj for the local hackspace

junø boosted


"I identify as an attack helicopter" - bad, transphobic, pro-imperialist

"I'm tramsgender" - based, communitarian, self-aware, kind, sexy

junø boosted
junø boosted

Posting this amazing art ("pink in the night") by Eunnie, who has seemingly not yet joined the fediverse, so that you're not missing out :TransHeart:

I have added full alt text, which was sadly missing from the posts elsewhere.

You can follow her at:

#trans #transgender #TransFem #lesbian #sapphic #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+ #LGBTQIA2S+ #DigitalArt #Eunnie #EunnieBoo #PinkInTheNight

junø boosted
junø boosted

shitpost, plurality 

Struggling with plurality?

- you are not alone!

junø boosted
junø boosted
junø boosted
junø boosted



junø boosted

Maybe we should stop being so hyper-focused on the "new" year and just try recycling or repairing one of the old ones?

It's planned obsolescence if you ask me; how likely is it that everyone suddenly needs a new year right on the same day? The same time??

🌍 ♥️

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