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junø boosted

"Negative" or "-" is a good CW to use to warn others the thoughts we're expressing may be difficult to bear.

I suggest you do respect it when you encounter such posts unprepared. The temptation to read everything is always strong, but when you see such tags, the author cares about your well-being and took a moment to protect you. They expect you may skip or circle back later.

junø boosted
junø boosted

Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree was about lockdowns sitting here in boring rooms

junø boosted
junø boosted

The #anarchistlibrary ist voll von wichtiger anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Theorie, doch leider gibt es so vieles davon nicht auf Deutsch.

Wir möchten das gerne ändern und so langsam beginnen auch diese Texte zu übersetzen. Wenn du einen Wunsch hast lasse es mich einfach wissen. Ob De Cleyre, Stirner, Malatesta, Parsons oder eher unbekannte Autor:innen - wir sind für alles offen.

#Anarchie #Anarchismus

junø boosted

Leftism without the work of antiracism slides quickly into fascism.

junø boosted

I built a split keyboard and it's perfect to put a plushie in between

did we defederate with can't access it.

junø boosted

#introductions hello! I'm Alex, a 20-year old bi agender leftist vegan programmer currently living in Germany!

junø boosted

Does anyone have resources on non-wicca non-appropriative witchery they'd recommend?

junø boosted
junø boosted
junø boosted

apropos of nothing but, i feel like if your first reaction to someone saying "this is my experience of something, this is how i feel" is "they're making it up for attention!!" then like

maybe, do not do that?

junø boosted


& while i'm at it, it is literally impossible to be snarky about "delusions" and "get help" without being ableist

cannot be done

that's always gonna be ableist shit

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junø boosted

I'm again streaming Minecraft today, wir3head on twitch.

Stream begins 21:00 UTC.

junø boosted

Emotional labor is real labor and it’s the misogynist in your head and out in the world that tells you otherwise.

junø boosted

so here's the deal here's the thing

- if a minor says something's bothering them, it's real
- if a minor says they're trans, it's true
- if a minor has opinions about "adult" level topics, particularly politics, it's valid. probably more valid than your opinion

- they will not "understand when they're older". you failed to understand something when you were young. stop projecting

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junø boosted
junø boosted

famous person death, uspol, personal 

i keep reading rgb and then opening the content if the cn only says RBG without wanting to. overexposing ourselves even more than we already are...

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