violent turn of phrase, sensory discussion
i need my frequency response linear if at all possible, thank you very much. anything else feels bad and wrong and ouch.
weird luck, exercise, latin, cursing
*kate bush singing about hills in the background*
why dresses don't have pockets
1. Get a dress with pockets
2. get some heavy rocks and put them in the dress
3. spin around really fast for a while, until the rocks are really soaring
4. undo the arm straps or whatever while you spin
5. DUCK under the dress fast enough for it to come off and let the momentum of the spin send the rocks + dress flying off into the air
6. get good enough at doing this that you can destroy your enemies this way and demolish the patriarchy
Regulatory Bodies: “ADHD medication is highly addictive”
#ADHD Folks: “Wait… did I take my pills?"
I'm developing a REAL PROBLEM with people who share voice notes or images instead of text.
Example 1) Dr's receptionist sends me a looooooooong voice note of office noise, and somebody reading her a number, which she then repeats to me, quickly followed by a text that says "that's the authorisation number".
Umm. OK. Why not just text me the number? Since you sent me a text anyway?
Example 2) Neighbourhood trustees share all their communications in the Whatsapp group as images of text on a pretty background, so we can't copy numbers or addresses, or easily search for a particular message.
When I query this, the head of the trustees tells me "just do an image search"
And when I query that he sends me a screenshot of how to access media posted in the group.
phonecall anxiety
sounds like a metaphor for phonecalls to my anxiety.
very pessimistic answer
because hope is usually lying to oneself?
@Sorl sleep well
funposting, death
a less than lethal golfer dispersal cannon implies the existence of a more than lethal golfer dispersal cannon.
Hallo trans* und nicht-binäre Geeks und Nerds,
wir wollen am 16.06. abends in Bremen den Film TransGeek zeigen und sind auf der Suche nach einer neurodivergenten Person, die mit uns auf dem Podium über trans*, nicht-binär und Geek-/Nerdkultur reden möchte. Insbesondere würden wir gerne über Geek-/Nerdkultur und Spezialinteressen reden. Infos zum Film:
PS: Wir haben natürlich ein Budget für Reisekosten, Übernachtung und Honorar.
funposting, death
in hopes they die when jumping on their head.
kink question (restraints)
bag over the hands maybe?
posts about feelings sometimes
gender egoist
anarchist weirdo
is an identity crisis
please tell me things directly instead of passively if possible