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New blog post where I explain how to minify your Godot export size, turning it from the default 93MB to a tiny 6.4MB file.
Some sacrifices were made, but this should serve as a guide on which options you can tune and how effective each one is!

#godot #godotengine #gamedev #guide #tech #programming #compression

I'm at the bookstore today. One of our toilets needs some work. Our usual handyman hasn't been available, and the problem is bad enough that I can't fix it myself, so there's a sign on the door. There has been a sign on the door for a week or two. Our regular handyman should be available one day next week. It's slow season, there are other bathrooms in the building and in town, it's not a big deal.

But one of our regulars who is entirely too comfortable getting personal with and talking shit to our baristas started talking shit about the bathroom not being fixed.

He didn't need to use it, he was just upset that he couldn't.

That escalated to other shit talking. I don't think he means anything by it, he's just that kind of guy, but it pisses off the crew, which means I gotta deal with it.

So I grabbed a rock from the back patio, and I knocked it against the counter loud enough that he turned his head, and I asked him if I was going to have to throw him out (again.)

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Hey if you like the status quo, I'd say be careful about saying

"oh yeah well what about IBM, McDonalds, Netflix on your TV, Ford, Coca Cola? Should we set those aflame too like Tesla?"

because you arent going to like my answer as an anticapitalist antifascist.

Many, many, many of us are suffering from information overload and notification fatigue. We feel like our computers are working *us*, and not the other way around.

For some of us, the terminal represents a rejection of this notion. A return to *controlling the device*.

I give a command, it provides me output. Lather, rinse, repeat.

My phone does not feel the same- using modern GUIs, for me, confounds my attention. The terminal restores it.

That's worth the inconvenience to me, YMMV.

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Het is vandaag STORM IN DE HAVEN van Rotterdam! We blokkeren de toegangswegen naar ExxonMobil. Dit is een van de grootste en meest vervuilende olie- en gasbedrijven ter wereld. #operatiestorm [1/4]

this is absolutely hilarious: supermicro has feature licenses tied to your BMC’s mac address. so people figured out that.. instead of making a keygen, you can just ask the IPMI to change BMC’s MAC, and use one shared license.

they fell for the oldest trick in the book.

@vlrny Hope the day brightens literally and figuratively for you. Life seems overwhelming too often these days, and I’m sitting with you virtually, holding on to hope and the promise of better days ahead.

Was explaining the whole self-hosted/small web movement to someone at work today, and they replied “Oh, so you’re like one of those preppers with a bunker, but digital.”

And I will not be taking any further questions at this time.

ukpol, disabilities, extremely bleak 

if you continually cut disabilities benefits while concurrently working on a euthanasia bill, you are functionally pushing those unable to work into taking their own lives. but now, "state sanctioned!".

and this isn't some unintended accident, this their actions speaking the truth of what they believe.

don't get me wrong, people should have the option to end their own lives with dignity. but it should not be fucking pushed by the state giving them fewer and fewer breadcrumbs to survive on until they take the hand of the guy leading them into the assisted euthanasia booth.

i am going to end this post here by not saying anything actionable, but use your imagination for what could be said here about government ministers pushing this through.

Controversial opinion perhaps, but in my mind the purpose of a specification is to guide an implementer to a solution in such a way that when two people do this independently an interoperable solution emerges. In other words, we wanna make computers reliable exchange information.

Doing so requires two humans to understand the spec, and understand it the same way. So, when I'm reading a spec and I encounter this sentence, what exactly am I supposed to make of that:

Otherwise, if value has an @language entry whose value exactly matches language, using a case-insensitive comparison if it is not null, or is not present, if language is null, and the value has an @direction entry whose value exactly matches direction, if it is not null, or is not present, if direction is null:

Why do I need a PhD in English sentence structure to understand your spec?

Het STORMT in Rotterdam! Rebellen blokkeren vandaag de poort van de gascentrale van Uniper. Uniper is een groot en vervuilend energiebedrijf. Ze staan in de top 10 van bedrijven die de meeste fossiele subsidies ontvangen. Subsidie naar grote vervuilers, dat moet echt stoppen! #Operatiestorm (1/4)

the year is 2055. xorg is now maintained by the rust4linux project. wayland has added a 78th method for sending text to applications. google chrome is a kernel module. you can make opengl calls via ioctl. your MacBook 7080 has more legal rights than you do. 3 billion devices run java.

@joepie91 My conspiracy theory is that they've kept suing IA as a back pocket move for bad days. When business is bad and shareholders are screaming that they've getting a bad ROI, labels and such can just say it was IA's fault and we are suing them to rectify the situation.

I have no evidence, I don't get invited to shareholder meetings, but I am convinced.

@joepie91 If I were to hazard a few (perhaps not particularly well informed) guesses … any or all of
1) the land grab for making proprietary spotify/netflix-a-likes for everything
2) fear of AI companies scraping their content from the Internet Archive for training
3) the publisher lawsuit prompted everyone else to start kicking them while they’re down?

but I’ve not been following the IA’s legal trouble recently due to having so much else to think about

So here's a question... why do record labels, publishers, etc. suddenly have such a big interest in suing the Internet Archive in the past few years, despite the Archive having been around for many years doing basically the same things, and there being 0 chance that the IP companies didn't know about it?

Grappig weetje over #Amersfoort. Als je met de trein vanaf het centraal station wegrijdt naar het noorden, is er bij de Eem een gebouw waar elke maand een andere nadenkspreuk op het dak staat. Sinds er ooit “Welkom in Alkmaar” heeft gestaan ben ik elke keer weer nieuwsgierig wat er staat.


"De Verenigde Staten van Amerika zijn in handen gekomen van Trump, dus nu is het nodig om de Verenigde Staten van Europa te beginnen, want dat model werkt duidelijk zo goed. Oh ja en iets met polarisatie."

Volt snapt er weer he-le-maal niets van. Zou mooi zijn als ze het militaristisch ingestelde deel van de partij er eens uit zouden keilen.

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