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Fun Movie Facts: In Breaking Bad (2008-2013) Walt Jr. has trouble hitting the brakes. That is because he's braking bad

It has been [0] conferences since I last mentioned #hopepunk in a talk.
Spreading the word of catalysing hope, bringing people together to build a better world, despite (or because of?) systemic forces of dehumanisation.

Today I’m hanging out with the fine folk at @drupalsouth, hearing about open source and documentation.

NixOS, technically a subtoot but it's about all complaints of this kind (2) 

This is of course separate from the usual "something is configured different on this distro and so something else doesn't work out of the box", but *that* part is in no way specific to NixOS.

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NixOS, technically a subtoot but it's about all complaints of this kind 

Sure, NixOS is 'unlike anything else', but only in a few very specific ways (namely the filesystem structure and mutability of system files) and while you could see that as being "difficult to make things work on", another way to see it is that it catches a lot of wrong assumptions for you early. Kind of like the Rust compiler.

Both filesystem structure and mutability of system files are things you should really not be assuming in the first place. Not just for the sake of NixOS, but also for the sake of many other configurations that are much more difficult to test against (because eg. they are embedded systems that only run on specific hardware).

See also: how DaVinci Resolve insists on living in a very specific filesystem path and how that causes trouble on *any* distro that isn't one of the officially supported ones.

trying to think of an elaborate way to brew coffee using laboratory glassware just for the vibes

new Severance ep drops tonight

just a friendly reminder to please CW any spoilers

it's a mystery show

don't spoil a mystery show

spoiling a mystery show is a dick move

And it's always, *always* US-centric stuff. I don't know if Reddit is only translating originally-English posts or what, but it's never anything other than that.

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"For generations, scholars argued that white women were rarely involved in the active buying and selling of Black people. But a growing body of research is challenging that narrative, documenting the significant role that white women played in the American slave trade.

Between 1856 and 1861, white women engaged in nearly a third of the sales and purchases of enslaved people in New Orleans, which was home to the nation’s largest slave market at the time, according to a working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research earlier this year.

In 1830, white women accounted for about 16 percent of the purchases and sales of enslaved people in New Orleans, the study found. Elsewhere, an analysis of runaway slave advertisements published between 1853 and 1860, which were compiled by the Black abolitionist William Still, found that white women were listed as owners in about 12 percent of the listings.

Source: "Scholars Thought White Women Were Passive Enslavers. They Were Wrong."

I really dislike Reddit's automatic post translation. The translations are poor, and it's polluted my search results with useless information - when I'm searching for something in Dutch, it's because I want information that's relevant to the Netherlands, don't spam me with auto-translated US-centric crap!

really, video websites should have search/filter keywords for "this video's content / audio is in $language" and "this video has a subtitle track for $language"

matrix (2) 

(The joke, of course, is that I have already told them exactly why this is, some 4-5 years ago, but they didn't want to hear it.)

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XMPP has lots of viable clients. IRC has lots of viable clients. *Mastodon* has lots of viable clients.

Why doesn't Matrix? That seems like a kind of important question for certain core folks to be asking themselves.

(The emphasis here is on 'viable'.)

URGENT :boost_request: here's my (updated) list of folks who need to be prioritized. most on this list are trans & disabled. *most are in increased danger due to US fascism.* please help by pasting their links into your search bar & boosting their posts directly or by giving any small amount. 💗

octo (795/1371) OVERDUE BY 13 DAYS:

kiamichi, utilities DUE MARCH 18:

ra'il (175/700) DUE MARCH 20:

squirrellilly (just 485) DUE MARCH 24:

deliberately_me (210/630) DUE MARCH 25:

meatmech (0/365) needed ASAP:

clara (0/150) needed ASAP:

rayne (435/650) needed ASAP:

evel (182/394) needed ASAP:

tasia (110/299) needed ASAP:

moo, needed ASAP:

ginny, needed ASAP:

dionRa (125/232):

pastel (375):

In #spoonieTown there's a shop with a soundproof back room you can scream and throw china and glassware. Smashy smashy happy happy.

In the front of the store they sell mosaics and stained glass and all sorts of beautiful things, built from the brokenness.

ropol, British liberals having Takes 

Lmao The Economist (self-described as "radical centrist") downgraded Romania's democracy index status to "hybrid regime" because the elections were cancelled and are being restarted so a neo-nazi can be stopped from becoming president

Because to liberals, following the rules is more important than stopping fascism, and so many people are falling for this hand-wringy shit that at this point is more fascist concern trolling than anything 💀

I feel like the entire history of gdpr cookie consent banners so far has been like:

corporation: okay, okay… we heard you, but, listen… we’ve come up with a new dark pattern to work around what you’ve told us while technically staying in—

courts: no.

corporation: ah. okay, then.

corporation: *quietly does it anyway*

Some news from Austria:

"The Supreme Administrative Court confirmed that the first layer of a website’s cookie banner must provide the option to close the cookie banner without giving consent. This option must be visually equivalent to the option to consent."

Once again showing that the majority of 'cookie consent' dialogs actually violate the GDPR.

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