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We finally got around to actually proving out a cursed idea for getting access to USB devices from *Firefox* (which refuses to support WebUSB)

this approach is horrible and inefficient, but it allows access to a device without requiring *any* user intervention or permission prompts (the device has to opt-in to this hack of course, it doesn't allow access to arbitrary things)

Just seen X-Clacks-Overhead mentioned again, and was reminded to check that we still send that header on some Wikimedia domains (we do)

are you a perfectionist or has your life just been so precarious that you feel like if you're not perfect all the time you're fucked

@joepie91 Most of my cells are healthy. But what do you know, I have an immune system. It spends most of its time defending me against external threats, but it also works to root out my own cells that go rogue.

I'm not turning off the defence against my own cells going rogue just because statistically nearly all of my cells will be healthy nearly all of my life.

You might notice a new button appear on the wiki, it's a hassle-free way to send feedback about specific articles directly to wiki editors. This means that contributing to the Minecraft Wiki is now even easier.

Here is a summary of the feature:

Message end. Boop. :blobfoxboophappy:

#MinecraftWiki #wiki

In the philosophy of "most people are benevolent", the important bit is the "most".

It's not an excuse not to have collective defenses against malicious intentions and behaviour, or to excuse it away.

@welshpixie It's really not that hard to realize that as a white person (regardless of your other minority statuses) you have been indoctrinated into being white supremacist by society. Which means your opinions on racism et al. are biased towards that full stop. And to be "not racist" (or preferably anti racist) you need to undo that programming actively.

@welshpixie white trans folks please learn that you can be trans and racist and that being trans doesn't shield you from criticism of the racism.

(Am white and trans, haven't been banned, this shit really isn't that hard tbh)

Some folks who do this are hedging bets: if/when it collapses or hits the fan, they can re-emerge as not a willing participant in it and point to their "neutrality".

I get shit is nuanced and folks need to stop hiding behind that. AI is an overloaded term, par the course when marketing teams get involved (their job is getting it into conversations). So we can aggressively specific: *generative AI solutions that are -literally- designed and built to mimic, augment, if not replace (wholly or partially) are a primary example of technology being weaponized against people*.

RAG is a cute way of painting the baton pink to pull people in and be like "see, it hallucinates(!!) about 70% less! Just don't do A, B - Z!". I can't communicate or push back on this in any workplace because zealotry rejects research, logic and reason: it's about what folks *feel* it can do.

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It's frustrating to see otherwise clever people decide to dance in favor of it: most likely (I'm hoping) because capital demands it and not because their alleged ideological stances were paper thin and matched only what was relevant at the time.

Since companies are becoming more accepting of this new digital approach, I'm very interested in seeing those who are choosing to *not* do this, not kissing the rings of Big Tech's attempt to recoup computing loss from both crypto and other wasteful advents, and focusing on delivering something of value to folks.

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Nah ChatGPT is a brain flattener. If you take it as is, as most people will (we've conditioned people to ignore terms and conditions, why the fuck do tech people think that the phrase "experimental" means anything if you put it everywhere??), it and other AI chat tools will defend white supremacy to the T.

Grok is an extremely poignant example of this because it's incapable of understanding discrimination and Gemini operates just like Google Photos: it'll come right up to the nose and ignore research around misogynior (in hopes of keeping the more "conservative" userbase and alienating those who feel forced to stay with Google).

The more folks keep digging their wheels in advocacy of LLM tech, the more they need to own that this shit is a collective cognitive failure.

Can't fall asleep so instead I've been drawing 'uwu' faces in a spectrogram by whistling

This weekend, talking to a guy who does IT at a Dutch bank.

Me: So everything runs on Azure or AWS these days?

He: Yes

Me: So they can see all the data.

He: No it's on separate servers, on EU soil. That was a thing before we decided to go ahead with this.

Me: So... They can see all the data.

He: No it's encrypted and threw some acronyms at me.

Me: So, you download the data, decrypt it, and work on it?

He: No that's done on the servers.

Me: So... They can see all the data.

my slides for tomorrow have a lot of dynamic DOM action behind the scenes — to the point where it started causing jank of about 0.5s on some transitions

so, of course, I opened the profiler to see if there's any low-hanging fruit to be reaped

and found that all the time was being spent by the Bitwarden browser extension traversing the DOM all the time! idk, I guess they're looking for shit to autofill? doesn't make much sense considering they don't actually have *auto*-fill, you need to confirm...

anyway, I tried a fresh browser profile, without any extensions, and what do you know. butter smooth, even on battery and the power-saving governor that entails

I wonder how much of the performance shittiness I get in normal browsing is caused by fucking Bitwarden

About the article on alcohol consumption today 

Also lol at the "multiple analyses in this study may increase the risk of type I error" at the end

Translation: "We sliced this data so many ways that even we admit the result we found is probably a false positive"

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