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“Oh it feels silly, that won’t make a difference” but what if it did?

EA just released the source for several Command and Conquer games. In case you like games and open-source ☺️

"See this decentralised protocol? What if we made it a blockchain" Shut up. Shut the fuck up. No

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Long story short there's a possibility that I end up in #Malaysia in a couple of years.

My problem:
Can I get testosterone and even maybe #trans care at a private clinic?
I know public hospitals are out of the question.

Also I haven't legally changed my gender so I don't know if "as a woman" I can get #testosterone for "menopause issues"?

Boost won't change your life but it will help mine and in a world full of transphobes it does make a difference.🙏

#lgbtq #transmasc #hrt #queer

Wrote some (incomplete!) notes about my travels of figuring out the possible options for building desktop applications in Node.js:

I feel like I talk a big game about 'Degooglifying' and moving away from proprietary services, but it's really fucking hard. In the arts, everything runs off Google because 1) its free 2) everyone is poor 3) the people who took arts subjects at school didn't get taught about tech in the level of detail that is required to understand how to Degooglify in 2025. I am an anomaly in that I took ComSci and Theatre A-Levels, but we need more solidarity uniting artists and compscis.
#foss #arts #theatre

New Mozilla TOS diff. This is what they just removed:

* Does Firefox sell your personal data?

> Nope. Never have, never will. And we protect you from many of the advertisers who do. Firefox products are designed to protect your privacy. That’s a promise.

The purpose of the new TOS appears to be to enable them to do this - such as for their advertising and AI sidelines.

salad dressing recipe (vegan) 

Made an experimental salad dressing today, to go with the salad with vegan bacon that we made. It turned out to be really nice!

Ingredients (roughly in order of volume): ketchup, olive oil, sugar, reduced-salt soy sauce, chili flakes, cumin, kervel, cinnamon, cardamom.

IrnBruKid32 sent these pictures. first pictures I got of NT running on real gamecube -- a Panasonic Q no less! -- and the ascii keyboard controller working under real hardware too

Boycotts work when they cover a time scale long enough to affect quarterly earnings reports.


Work, expiring certs 

A bunch of people reported problems today and it was discovered that they had all been issued certificates with a 10 year expiry.. 10 years ago. And the certificate authority used doesn't exist anymore

Don't worry, everyone, it wasn't DNS this time.

I think this thought a lot when I hear people discussing Mastodon outside of Mastodon lol

Docker: what if every utensil and ingredient in your kitchen was locked inside a different, tiny steel box, and also all the boxes hated you

Fun bit of easing trivia–if you look up most library’s implementations of "easeOutBounce" and such, they make this bizarre use of the post-decrement operator... #gamedev #indiedev

It turns out, this was originally an optimization for the ActionScript stack machine–I guess everyone else has just been uncritically copy pasting these functions into other languages for the last 23 years. :)

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Holy shit they released the source code of C&C Generals, Renegade, and the first two games (the original source code release for those two was based in the remastered version) and added Steam Workshop support for a bunch of the C&C games 😳

bahncard 100 but it's for the entirety of europe and also it's free for everyone

Komend weekend worden door heel Nederland weer geredde jonge #bomen en struiken gratis uitgedeeld. Het betreft de allerlaatste uitdeeldagen van Meer Bomen Nu voor dit seizoen.

En om deze tweedekans bomen en struiken daadwerkelijk een tweede kans te geven, is het belangrijk dat zij dit weekend worden opgehaald en worden geplant op de plek waar zij wél uit mogen groeien tot volwassen bomen en struiken.

#MeerBomenNu is een campagne van #Urgenda, ondersteund door #ASNBank.


Even ten years ago they probably could have floated a vague ToU and we'd have given them benefit of the doubt. Today? No chance. They need to have everything vetted by their legal team and by some sort of "don't burn our remaining goodwill" unit, before jamming it down users' throats.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.