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I'm not so sure that those legal terms from Mozilla mean what people seem to think they mean, and I think that at least a big part of it is essentially a misunderstanding.

But at the same time, it's absolutely Mozilla's responsibility to be extremely clear about this and not just throw in some legal boilerplate without explanation, if they want to foster trust towards them, so I don't have a lot of sympathy for them either...

Overigens: reis je in Nederland wel eens met de trein en wil je ook weten hoe je (tijdelijke) problemen met de geleidelijnen voor blinden en slechtzienden moet herkennen, meld je vooral en dan leg ik een keer uit hoe ze werken. Het is niet ingewikkeld, en het kan helpen om dit soort problemen sneller te vinden en op te lossen 🙂

DEpol, Nazis, negative 

And so it starts ...

Neonazis, a mix of skinheads and guys in military jackets with combat boots and facial tattoos, have stationed themselves at the train station and carefully watch the stream of travelers. Whenever they notice someone who's not white, visibly queer or wearing something Antifa-related, they step in their way and tower over them with a mean expression before letting them pass.

An intimidation attempt and a warning, I reckon.

Happened to me. Happened to a Black woman before me. Happened to a couple people behind me who I recognized from antifascist protests. All in plain sight of a bunch of cops in their cars, who just ignored the whole thing. I actually hailed down one of them to point the guys out, but he just shrugged and said well, as long as they don't insult anyone and aren't getting physical, they're not doing anything illegal, so there's nothing they can do.

Bestie and I also saw an uptick of visible fash on public transportation. We had two kinda boxing us in on the tram today, just watching, but I was still on high alert ready to get bestie and me the hell out of dodge if necessary.

But yeah. That's Germany after the election. Fash can just silently harass you in the streets in line of sight of cops and you're told that's something you have to live with. The AfD didn't even have to win, the CDU under Merz making a hard turn towards right-wing politics was enough.

Ter promotie van meer gebruik van #Linux staat mijn nieuwe project nu online: Linux voor een beginner.

Het doel is iedereen die de overstap wil maken een toegankelijke introductie te geven en dat vooral zelfstandig kan doen. De eerste mensen zijn afgelopen week gestart met het bekijken van de pagina's en hebben hun eerste installatie gedaan!

Volg nieuwe artikelen en ontwikkelingen:

Incidentally, many of the men who seem to be more competent only appear that way because they used harassment to steal work from more competent marginalized folks.

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This, this, this. Men profit far too much from harassment to ever want to do anything to solve it. Entire generations of deeply mediocre white cis men have succeeded in academia exclusively because they use violence (implied, threatened, or actualized) to push everyone else out.

I was just laid off from SparkFun. It was sudden and cowardly. I logged on for a weekly status meeting and Nate had HR with him.

14 years this Saturday.

And now I'm unemployed in the midst of what is already a very difficult mental health crisis recovery.

Your boss is not your friend.

@whitequark reminded of a microchip ethernet MCU with the errata "ethernet doesn't work"

Request for help with knowing how much estrogen, progesterone and blockers to take, serious medical problems mentioned 

We saw a doctor yesterday and he said that our oestradiol is too high (1076 pmol/L) and T too low (0.3 nmol/L).

He said that the 'blockers' we take (5mg of finasteride) probably isn't doing anything to block T and it's the estrogen alone that is blocking it, and that progesterone has no studies proving it is useful but it does that it might be harmful with blood clots and cancer and stuff

Currently we are on:

5 milligrams of finasteride taken once daily

150 micrograms per 24 hours of oestradiol on patches changed twice weekly

200 milligrams of progesterone taken once daily.

Should we change any of this since no real advice was offered we are not sure.

Thank you!

When they want you tired, your energy is rebellion. When they want you miserable, your joy is rebellion. When they want you gone, your existence is rebellion. one just so happens to have a premium sammobile account that they could use to download some archived firmware, is there?

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Ken jij iemand die bij de NS werkt aan de website? En/of iemand bij de NS in het UX team? Ik kom graag met diegene in contact om het over een opdracht voor mijn studenten te hebben.

Took us all a bit too long to realise that "Democracy dies in darkness" was meant as a motto

When it comes to digital stuff, if you can’t

download and store it
in a portable / open format
with no phone-home check
for entirely offline enjoyment

you’ve paid for an unstable rental of indeterminate duration, no matter how it was described to you.

radical politics: solidarity, common goals, and "left unity" 

Some common rhetoric by libs, moderates and electoral left is that we should put aside our differences to fight the far-right. The left is so divided, we won't ever beat the fascists!

In my opinion, those are not the words of an ally, but of a would-be conqueror. Using the enemy as an excuse to gain power yourself, like the fascists do.

For established political parties it generally has an implicit "rally _behind me_, help _me_ beat them" message. But even when it doesn't, asking people to just ignore their grievances and demands - without offering any concessions yourself - is not conducive to an alliance, it is asking for submission and fealty.

Want to call for an alliance against a common enemy? Instead of asking for _unconditional_ support, focus on the common goals. Propose actions that the many groups can agree to. Or, instead of _demands_ for support, start with offers: what are _you_ willing to concede for this important goal.

Hot take: If Slack is your only (meaningful) experience with participating in online chat platforms besides being a teenager on MSN/AOL/ICQ in the early 2000's, then I'll allow myself to doubt your community leadership skills.

@cadadr as usual the arrogance of programmers dictates to them that they ought to be able to just sort it out with a few lines of code, and everyone else must bend over backwards to aid them in that delusion

to be clear my position is, 100%, robots.txt is sacrosant, and i think all this bean counting is bullshit. it's uninteresting and boring to me

but i am posting this thread based on my familiarity with quantitative social science as an MA in linguistics, and from that PoV all i can say is, you don't get to complain about your participants. your data is your responsibility. people you observe don't live to be observed or to comply. resilience of your measurement tools is your responsibility

an uncurated collection of numbers is an RNG, not a database

just because you store it in a DBMS it doesn't become data

data is a curated record of observations of variables. not any old garbage array is data

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