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Een pilot in #DenBosch om mensen uit buurten met een laag museumbezoek naar een museum te krijgen is leerzaam en succesvol. Het krijgt daarom een vervolg.


I heard about that new Balatro game and decided to give it a try, wish me luck!

People mimic what they see when there’s a perceived danger. I was just at the pharmacy picking up my wife’s meds, and every pharmacist was wearing a surgical mask (wish they were n95, but I’ll take it). There were about 10 of us in the lobby and only three folks did not have a mask. As the moments ticked by, 2 of them walked over and picked up one of the free masks and put them on. The next three people who walked in, upon seeing a room of masked people, also put masks on from the free box. You may not think you’re setting an example, but you are. Show yourself. Be the light.

It really is a move in the direction of "you don't own the software you are running, the developer does". Not just for the aptly named "proprietary software", but even FOSS will do this shit.

It is so absurd that software randomly changes how it looks and work, and we just accept that. Nothing else in my house or personal possessions just goes and changes on its own without me doing it.

On a related note, I find it interesting how over all these years, I have *never* been able to find a cheap knockoff option for these magazine binder things that let you store a lot of magazines in a folder while also keeping all of them readable. There's pretty much only the branded ones that are 10+ EUR each.

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One of my favorite internet things to have come out in the last few years: a detailed catalog of objects, furnishings, and interior design used in Star Trek.

TIL that AliExpress has an image search, you can just paste an image into the search box

home maintenance gore 

The whole house was like this, by the way. I would not be able to list off a single component of the house that wasn't broken or incorrectly installed in some way.

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home maintenance gore 

Just found some old pictures, including a picture of the place I used to live, with a shitty landlord who never fixed anything until the city started threatening him with fines.

Was about to reply in a thread but felt it might be hijacking, so here are some thoughts about how to learn about the mostly forgotten history of violence against the Chinese in the US.

"The Chinese must go" by Beth Lew-Williams goes into detail about the Chinese exclusion act and all the sinophobic violence that preceded and succeeded it. And how awful it was to be Chinese and living in California as it was one of the last states to remove anti-chinese laws.

#sinophobia #USA #history

I'm considering offering free (encrypted) Borg backup space for marginalized creatures (mainly meant for personal stuff, space is somewhat limited, think tens of GB per user rather than hundreds) in two locations, NL and US.

Would anyone be interested in this? No availability guarantees but it's the same backup space that I use for my own stuff as well. Note that the server for the NL location is operated by a US company.

Let's see what happens when I try to upgrade a 17.09 system to 24.11

yt-dlp let me download an arbitrary range of a livestream when

When I tell people that I don't really use "AI" assistants, "AI" bros will always tell me: Yeah so you can't criticize them because you don't use them, $whateverrandom model I use is awesome and does everything perfectly and you just don't invest the time to find which model under which conditions and prompt works well enough for you.

My sweet summer child. If "AI" startups want me to do tests on their products, they can ask me for my daily rates and I'll do it. But I don't work for free to try to be their PR person. I argue from structural reasons, reasons that don't change just cause someone massaged their prompts better or trained their network for some benchmark.

What a ridiculous idea: You don't drink every day? How can you criticise alcoholism? The Vodka I drink every day makes me smarter.

Sure thing.

Reminder: Just because someone is posting on social media a lot, visibly doing projects, and otherwise looks like they're living their best life

1) Does not mean they are ok - social media is often a distraction and an escape valve

2) Does not mean they are ignoring you - they may be overwhelmed and incapable of handling messages

take the hormones (even if you're wrong they're not gonna make you grow tits overnight). schedule the consult (you can always cancel the surgery date if you're absolutely sure you don't need it later). a day you wait is a day you're delaying your own happiness, and asceticism isn't worth it trust me

Sorely tempted to update Wikipedia with the fact that British cavalry officers had tiny waists and said things like "sowwy".

Page 135. Woodham-Smith, C. (1991). The Reason Why: The Story of the Fatal Charge of the Light Brigade. United Kingdom: Penguin Publishing Group.

OH (discussing hackernews):

"So it's a collection of people who are being wrong at each other"

Y'all, ableism is NOT a minor detail or fringe issue. How many times do we have to fucking go over this??

"Oh well you keep policing my language" it's just not that big of an ask. It's not that hard. If you've got to do a little learning and a little shifting of your perspective, why is that such an unthinkable option? Are you committed or are you not? Do you give a shit about the most marginalized or don't you?

If you're going to start whining about the SJWs bothering you every time someone asks you to reconsider your actions (AKA the bare minimum of solidarity) then you can get the fuck out, and I mean that shit. Get out.

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