
TIL that AliExpress has an image search, you can just paste an image into the search box

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On a related note, I find it interesting how over all these years, I have *never* been able to find a cheap knockoff option for these magazine binder things that let you store a lot of magazines in a folder while also keeping all of them readable. There's pretty much only the branded ones that are 10+ EUR each.

@joepie91 and like every site with "drag in file to upload" it always activates for no reason, some firefox or wayland bug i guess

@joepie91 would that be an ethical use case for deep neutral net based machine learning?

Assume it's implemented as an Image to text model followed by search. Its energy usage is, I think, upper bounded by whatever AliExpress is earning on one sale. It is not replacing human work. It can help people who don't know the necessary search terms.

There might be a mistake in my energy considerations, my brain is foggy today.

Also training data not stolen, but just the listings they have anyway.

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