ph+, dentist
Went to the dentist today, and they fixed the tooth (within a matter of minutes, as usual) despite a pretty big chunk having broken off.
Asked them to wear FFP2 masks (I brought some) due to the immunosuppressants, and it was no problem at all, and they first went off to check if they still had any in stock themselves.
It's really nice to have a competent and pleasant dentist practice nearby like this, literally around the corner.
#AskFedi: For people who used Google Reader and who (still) lament its death: what was it about Google Reader that made it different from other RSS readers, for you?
It may feel unfair to many of you, but this is going to be the legacy of anybody who is still working in "AI". This is going to be the inheritance you leave to the future and nothing you do is likely to come close to offsetting it.
Great news everyone! One of my co-founders put together a post on our company blog about seriousness in tech work:
It's the first thing he has written for us, so if you liked it, it'd be rad if you dropped him a message or something on LinkedIn (so sorry I'm asking you to go on LinkedIn)
Facism; Lives Saved >>> Historical Record Preserved
I know I don't have any authority, but still:
This historian gives you explicit permission to delete and destroy each and every bit of data (pun intended) that can put you or others in danger.
Lives Saved >>> Historical Record Preserved
We can always work with incomplete records - and tbh:
I much prefer having Oral History from people who survived instead of documents from people who didn't.
(Our historical records are ever incomplete.)
New article alert! My hatred for all things AI forced me to consider the lovely drug that is cognitive dissonance once again.
In the article, I present a visual metaphor that explains cognitive dissonance clearly: the cognitive dissonance pyramid.
The metaphor comes from the book Mistakes Were Made.
'D66 wil maatregelen om medicijnen aan te passen op vrouwenlichaam'
"Vrouwen krijgen vaak nog steeds geen medicijnen die zijn toegespitst op een vrouwenlichaam. Daardoor lopen ze een veel groter risico op ernstige bijwerkingen dan mannen en duurt het langer voordat ze hersteld zijn."
"Ook stoppen vrouwen vaker met hun geneesmiddelen dan mannen vanwege de heftige bijwerkingen."
"De D66-leider stelt onder meer voor dat medicijnfabrikanten verplicht gaan testen wat de werking en bijwerkingen van een nieuw geneesmiddel op vrouwen zijn."
"Ook moeten de bijsluiters van bestaande middelen een apart gebruiksadvies krijgen voor vrouwen. Daarnaast moet er meer onderzoek komen naar de juiste dosering van geneesmiddelen voor vrouwen."
This might seem silly, but please keep posting about nice things in your life! There are lots of terrible things out there, so knowing about people's projects, successes, relationships, hobbies, nice meals, quiet moments of joy, etc. are lovely! I like knowing people are experiencing nice things, especially in a world that doesnt support that well.
Mastodon HOA and accessibility.
Just read the most infuriating blog post ever, where this person tries to equate alt text as a HOA, Homeowner association. Fuck you, and can someone make a block list of these jackasses so I can nuke them all in one place?
The first reasoning is also flawed. Maybe it's a screenshot of a different sentence than the one you have as a featured image on your blog. The point is, you know, we don't, and it sounds like this person is using his limited knowledge of screen readers to justify his individualistic brave stance online.
His second point deserves no rebuke.
But I've long since muted him. This also might shock you, but you're also using HOA wrong as well, if you really wanna get nit picky about it. Why don't you actually try learning what the HOA actually does offline to enact discrimination instead of using it incorrectly.
But I'm starting to see this kind of attitude all the time, and it always, always, comes from the mainstream internet, where everybody never had to think about others.
It's getting to the point where I mute/block everyone that uses the word, HOA, because these very Twitter people can't comprehend communities.
I've made it my personal mission to be blocked by these kinds of people by scolding them until they block me. Trust me, they won't be worth your feed.
Okay, and the RSS parsing stream is now published too:
Updated the post, here is, as it were, the money shot.
You can see that the frequency on the EU side goes low and then rises while the one on Baltic side goes high and then falls right before sync - I wonder if that was intentional! But in any case, you can very clearly see the point where they sync! so this experiment was as far as I am concerned a full success! #BalticSynchro
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.