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wanna know something really fun?

one of Spain's biggest ISPs is blocking connectivity to -all Cloudflare- on the hours when the Spanish football league plays because some pirate streaming servers operate behind them


farmer's delight is an amazing one. makes cooking and farming so actually fun and is also very aesthetically pleasing. there are many submods for it that add even more food!

another good one is create if you like steampunk stuff or like making various builds with mechanisms and automation. it's an analog to redstone that uses clockwork and cogwheels.

biomes o'plenty and oh the biomes you'll go are also astonishingly cool

This is weird. I apparently have the NFSU2 soundtrack in FLAC format, and it has an EAC ripping log, describing how it was ripped from a 2CD release.

There's just one problem: to my knowledge, there has never existed a CD release of the NFSU2 soundtrack!

minecraft is like, my comfort game. you know how people have comfort plushies they hug every time they're feeling bad? this is this game for me

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JS packages written and published today:

- @promistream/timer, which is a stream that emits a value repeatedly at a fixed interval:
- @validatem/is-ms, a validator that checks whether an input is a valid `ms` time specification (and parses it):

@joepie91 @aeva I wonder if there's a database of URLs of the internet archive we could use to filter what didn't exist before.

Birding this morning was lovely, always good to get out there. Happy we still have our winter ducks around.


FINALLY we can all agree on when it's polite to TYPE IN CAPS!

whenever anyone running the client presses caps lock it presses it for everyone

download the client and see the current caps lock status at

anti-trans violence, gatekeeping 

the fascists want to murder and forcefully detransition us.
the conservatives want to just deny us access to care and legal rights or gatekeep us to hell and back.
the "nice" liberal "allies" still want to gatekeep and force us into waiting lists in underprovisioned medical systems, dependent on professionals that mostly don't know shit and don't care to learn.

this is why we don't talk about rights, we talk about liberation. this is why we want folks to have the knowledge and resources to take charge of their own care and why we're trying to learn more about how to take charge of ours.

warning for trans folks under "professional" medical care, HRT 

blindly trusting doctors with your care as a trans person is dangerous. if you don't have the ability to check their work ask other trans folks who are more knowledgeable. we have heard repeatedly of doctors prescribing way too low or way too high dose of hormones. for transfeminine people doctors often prefer to keep estradiol levels relatively low cause they are afraid of side effects while prescribing high doses of anti-androgens or progestins with a worse risk profile.
it's our firm belief that if you're well informed and careful DIY HRT is safer than blindly trusting a random doctor and not appreciably more dangerous than trusting a doctor you have good reason to believe is knowledgeable and trustworthy. the problem is vetting a doctor requires knowledge that you would also need to take charge of your own care.

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: For people who used Google Reader and who (still) lament its death: what was it about Google Reader that made it different from other RSS readers, for you? :boost_requested:

"so you agree porn preys on financially vulnerable women"
all work preys on the financially vulnerable dipshit it came free with your fucking capitalism

i feel so sorry for untechnical people. as a computer-toucher using my own device feels so fucking hostile. i just want to use it, not be sold or tied into more shit i don't need

Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab has made available a 16TB archive preserving the government data sets on in a purge-free environment.

hey is there like, a social template for writing to a company and asking "what are your values, how sustainable is your revenue model, basically what safeguards do you have to prevent becoming a haven for bigots/selling out to some rapacious venture capital firm who will then scrap it for parts and start charging customers out the ass?"

i was just going to, like, write that, but is there some better way to go about it?


uspol, Seattle children’s hospital 

So not only the #Seattle Children’s Hospital illegally suspend gender affirming care for those 19 and younger

not only did they remove gender affirming care materials from their website

they removed those gender affirming care materials from their website on January 16th, 4 days before the inauguration and nearly a week before the Executuve Order they are allegedly complying with was signed.

#seattlechildrenshospital #trans #transrights #protecttransyouth

Okay, here's a more complete list of what I've found missing.

- NeXTstation Turbo Color computer and keyboard
- ThinkPad 365xd
- ThinkPad X2100 (a modded X201 with 11th gen Intel)
- ComputerLabs ST5500 (a thin client I used to run my device programmers)
- BK Precision 490B CRT Analyzer/Rejuvenator + cables
- Pace SX-90 desoldering handpiece + tips
- Pace PS-90 soldering iron + tips
- Tenma 72-2070 Monitor Testers (two, one with the 72-1080 Monitor Output Adapter)
- CanoScan LiDE 400 Slim, brand new.
- NES toploader, RGB-modded, with an EverDrive N8.
- Wii, softmodded, with a HDD full of games, controllers, etc.
- 3DS Galaxy Edition
- Red 2DS
- HP Z2 Mini G3, i7-6700, 32gb RAM, 1tb NVMe SSD.
- VESA mounting bracket for the Z2.
- HP Z27 LCD monitor (which the bracket/computer were mounted to).
- Half the Production Basics VESA mount all that was attached to.
- Several thousand ITT Cannon DL ZIF connector pins.

If you see any of this hitting Portland-area markets, please reach out.

Boosts appreciated.

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Hey #Portland #RetroComputing folks: The place I store much of my stuff was burglarized, trashed, and many items were stolen. The most valuable was a NeXTstation Turbo Color.

If you see one floating around, please let me know.

I don't have the serial number or anything identifying, other than the HDD is failed :(

"Do you know for a fact that this amazing thing that was ostensibly 'done by an AI' isn't just YET ANOTHER FAKE?" and other questions that journalists find too spicy to ask

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