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request for cwing, my personal view of constantly reading about America 

it doesn't make me a better artist or friend, I don't learn anything new, and I can't do anything about or with the things I do learn

reading about America, its politics, its worst people, all it does is fill me with dread, and for what? to what benefit?

please cw your Americaposting

For the #StarTrek fans, particularly those who listen to shows from the Roddenberry Podcast Network. I'm curious who would be interested in a podcast called Trek After Dark, where a cohost and me explore Star Trek from the perspective of a blind person and piece together episodes without visuals. Occasionally discuss what the episode does or says about disability/neurodivergence/other small communities when relevant? I'm still nailing things down but that's a rough idea and I'm trying to gage interest.
I'm also looking for RPN's contact info in the hopes that maybe I can discuss this with them.
#Disability #Neurodivergent #Podcast

Spent the last 6 hours trying to get a hello world equivalent gui window with a button on rust under windows.

This task which one might think is simple ended up taking literal hours and still hasn't been achieved because: the tutorials for gtk on windows and rust suggest putting msys2 bin directory on the path. This causes rust to fail to build correctly because it uses the wrong gcc and linkers.
Afterwards I managed it by using the appropriate environment variables.
But then I found out the dynamically linked libarries weren't found. I tried getting a way to copy them but it turned out to be too much work so I just moved the executable to the same dir.
Only to find out that gtk4 has no accessibility on Windows. Not bad accessibility, not accessibility that needs to be turned on. No. Accessibility. At all.
So then I decided to try Qt, which wants me to create an account to get an installer. Absolute no.
Got the 1.5gb sources and trying now to get an off-line installer out of it.

To get a fucking window with a button in it.

I don't think it's unreasonable for me to say this state of affairs is complete bullshit, and that most people with a normal level of motivation would have found plenty of opportunities to have given up. I still might.

(Not using NWG because tying the data to the GUI elements is non-trivial, it seems to require copying a lot and using twice the memory.)

#a11y #rust #gui #windows

I'm attending Arisia science-fiction convention this weekend. THEY HAVE A MASK MANDATE. And it has completely reversed the usual ratio: 95% of people masking, majority N95 or KN95, only about 5% of people maskless.

It's so pleasant and relaxing to see most people masked again.


today on twitter: someone leaked the entirety of the plankton movie

“alright, that’s enough fedi for today”

*closes laptop fedi*

*opens phone fedi*

i bought unripe bananas and my bf told me that i could put them next to carrots and they'd catch up. and it worked! but they sapped all life out of those carrots. like literally. what kind of a soul exchange ritual have i just committed? how am i gonna answer for that after my death

In #spoonieTown there are libraries with wide bay windows and cushions, and a little table nearby where one can nap, read, and drink tea whilst looking over the quiet gardens.

#spoonieTown has lil garden plots all over the place where you can just grab and nibble on a fresh veg as you walk by.

It turns out the reason our hybrid heat pump wasn't hybriding was that the installer *never connected* the gas boiler to the control bus. The color coded and keyed connector is just flopping around behind the panel.

One analytical lens I love for interactions is "consent vs control". Here you see a Gmail pop-up for their GenAI "assistant". Do I want this? No. But my choices are "Learn more" and "Continue". My consent is assumed, making it a controlling interaction. You see this a lot these days, like where you choices aren't yes and no, but yes and "ask me later". It always makes me wonder what kind of personal relationships the people who do this have.

health update, transplantation, very positive 

It is now day 4 after my kidney transplantation. Today's improvements:
- Showered standing up
- Walked hallway independently
- Walked up and down stairs at a reasonable pace (under supervision, but without help)
- Went to toilet independently
- Wound drain has been removed
- Been sitting instead of lying down for a while now

Pet peeve: FOSS projects which depend on closed/proprietary/hosted systems for their development process because "we do not have the capacity to maintain all this stuff ourselves".

Ever heard of the concept of 'solidarity' and cross-project collaboration? Why are you assuming that you, as a sole project, must fix these issues on your own? Why haven't you sought collaboration with others who have the same problem, and distributed the workload?

i wonder what trans/enby creatures were obsessed with before we invented a concept of robot. faes? golems? trebuchets?

game where you can play multiple animal species but when you're a bird windows don't get rendered

You don't need a blog, despite what a lot of Mastodon posts would have you believe.

It's okay to feel like you don't have something the world needs to read. It's okay to save your stories up for when you encounter people in real life. It's okay to write things down in a private diary.

What's not okay is recording important information in closed-off spaces like Discord or Facebook. If you have knowledge that could benefit others, please do get a blog.

It’s always fun to find a fiber optic cable in an unexpected place. Today’s find: my Canon EOS 600D has one running from somewhere to its mainboard. I suspect it being used for light-metering!

“Amazon's AI crawler is making my git server unstable - Xe Iaso”

Training data crawlers are abusing the open web.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.