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In #spoonieTown there are libraries with wide bay windows and cushions, and a little table nearby where one can nap, read, and drink tea whilst looking over the quiet gardens.

#spoonieTown has lil garden plots all over the place where you can just grab and nibble on a fresh veg as you walk by.

It turns out the reason our hybrid heat pump wasn't hybriding was that the installer *never connected* the gas boiler to the control bus. The color coded and keyed connector is just flopping around behind the panel.

One analytical lens I love for interactions is "consent vs control". Here you see a Gmail pop-up for their GenAI "assistant". Do I want this? No. But my choices are "Learn more" and "Continue". My consent is assumed, making it a controlling interaction. You see this a lot these days, like where you choices aren't yes and no, but yes and "ask me later". It always makes me wonder what kind of personal relationships the people who do this have.

health update, transplantation, very positive 

It is now day 4 after my kidney transplantation. Today's improvements:
- Showered standing up
- Walked hallway independently
- Walked up and down stairs at a reasonable pace (under supervision, but without help)
- Went to toilet independently
- Wound drain has been removed
- Been sitting instead of lying down for a while now

Pet peeve: FOSS projects which depend on closed/proprietary/hosted systems for their development process because "we do not have the capacity to maintain all this stuff ourselves".

Ever heard of the concept of 'solidarity' and cross-project collaboration? Why are you assuming that you, as a sole project, must fix these issues on your own? Why haven't you sought collaboration with others who have the same problem, and distributed the workload?

i wonder what trans/enby creatures were obsessed with before we invented a concept of robot. faes? golems? trebuchets?

game where you can play multiple animal species but when you're a bird windows don't get rendered

You don't need a blog, despite what a lot of Mastodon posts would have you believe.

It's okay to feel like you don't have something the world needs to read. It's okay to save your stories up for when you encounter people in real life. It's okay to write things down in a private diary.

What's not okay is recording important information in closed-off spaces like Discord or Facebook. If you have knowledge that could benefit others, please do get a blog.

It’s always fun to find a fiber optic cable in an unexpected place. Today’s find: my Canon EOS 600D has one running from somewhere to its mainboard. I suspect it being used for light-metering!

“Amazon's AI crawler is making my git server unstable - Xe Iaso”

Training data crawlers are abusing the open web.

Januari is onderhoudsmaand op molen De Salamander.

Buiten is alles bevroren, dus smeren we vandaag de dingen waarvoor de molen in dezelfde stand kan blijven staan.

We zijn begonnen met het bovenlager van de centrale as, en hebben daarna de buitenrand van de kap gesmeerd.

and you really aren't supposed to not have a mailing address in your home country. or spend like over a month outside it. the world isn't made to handle people who do.
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health, meds 

So this is what my post-transplantation morning medication looks like now (which is one of four medication moments, though it is the biggest pile)

One of the themes for #FluConf2025 is "open licensing and business models".

A lot of people on the fediverse will probably take that to mean *software licensing*, but we're interested in a much broader range of topics.

We want to hear about open licenses for scientific publications, data, art, games, text, and whatever else we haven't thought of.

Share why you think it's important. Write about how overly permissive commons are being enclosed by corporations. Tell the world how you choose licenses for your own creations, and how others licensing choices influence your perception of their projects.

#freeCulture #FOSS #law #publishing #science #games #art #data #openScience #openData #openGardening #open #openCulture #openSource #freeSoftware #openAccess

It occurs to me that many who have joined since Nov '22 may not be familiar with the some fediverse history. Some context… 

One demographic that flocked here early on was made up of unrepentant trolls and abusers who had gotten banned from other platforms. Good mods here would ban them from their instances too, and gradually they banded together into their own servers, often under the banner of "free speech," which mostly meant freedom to troll and abuse.

Decentralization meant they couldn't be kicked off fedi, but self sorting meant instances with good mods could defederate from their servers. The network underwent a sort of ad hoc mitosis, so that there are now functionally two big fedis, this one, and the one built by trolls. And while the fedi as we know it still has serious problems, it's still much safer for a lot of often marginalized groups for having cut ties with the troll servers.

If you're not sure why some instances have defederated from Threads, part of it is because their new "free speech" policies are familiar to fedizens who were here during the mitosis phase. They're the exact positions that were used by the "free speech" instances of that other fediverse to justify tolerating abusive behavior.

@onepict I think this is a very relevant and interesting session:

At NixCon 2024, we took the bold step of going completely sponsor-free—and it turned out to be a great success, with 400 attendees, making it the largest NixCon to date.

In this BOF session, I’ll share my experiences as a core organizer, including the challenges, lessons learned, and tips for anyone looking to organize their own sponsor-free events without breaking the bank.

#FOSDEM does do a lot of good too, bringing people together and promoting Free Software. And there are amazing people putting together the event every year — especially the tons of volunteers spending their time and effort to make this all happen.

But promoting the ideals of Free and Open Source Software is all the more reason they should really respect their audience, be inclusive, and try to be better.

(People critical of FOSDEM aren't attacking it; we all want it to be better.)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.