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it's interesting how much anarchism has transformed the way I think about, well, everything really. it's almost less a political ideology and more of a worldview and philosophy to me (though the political side is ofc still essential). I guess this is what post-anarchists are talking about? I should read more of their stuff...

My mood regarding stateres design right now

You may now point your terminal (emulator) of choice towards and try the first version of the #38c3 Terminal Office (make sure to disable local echo/linefeed conversion stuff).

If you have socat available you can use basically any common terminal emulator with this command: socat stdio,raw,echo=0,echoctl=0
Telnet/netcat might also work if you know the correct options (I don't).

#38c3 #retrocomputing #retronetworking

@eventphone @c3isdn

If algorithmic systems are harming people and they have little other means to stop them, why shouldn’t those systems be destroyed? @ali


Ireland has one week left to do potentially the funniest thing of all time.

My mood regarding stateres design right now

@futurebird @jacquiharper I once made the mistake of feeding my cats on an oval plate instead of a round one. They wouldn't touch the food. Not realizing that was why, I tried feeding them fresh food on the oval plate and again they wouldn't even touch the food. Only took me two tries to realize and give them food on a round plate, which they gobbled up immediately! I've never made that mistake again! :D


And laying out a fresh linen tablecloth on the floor...

Pica has taught us that she prefers to eat off of white glazed dishes with a low edge, and please plate the cat food in the center and heap it up with a fork.

(Yes she has meowed and refused to eat because the food was not centered or she didn't like the plate!)

I'm working on a state resolution algorithm for today (which, who knows, might make it into some day too). And I could use some help.

Please send me your most cursed event graphs that you would expect to break a state resolution algorithm and be exploitable! I'd like to check that it can deal with these cases *before* deploying it out in the wild.

Don't really care about the format, as long as it describes the graph well enough to understand the weirdness. Diagrams are fine, DOT syntax is fine too, textual descriptions too.

For any given problem, there's usually a space of "solutions that aren't immediately obvious, but that you would run into very quickly if you made any proactive effort at all".

The easiest way to determine whether someone genuinely cares about an issue, or is just pretending that they do, is to see if they're coming up with solutions like that.

I want to remind everyone that not having access to HRT, or not transitioning, or not "being diagnosed" among a myriad of other things don't make you "less trans".

You belong here just as much as I do, as someone which cannot transition, is too poor to afford HRT - or go the long way through therapy - didn't ever "got diagnosed"

You belong here.

Self-OH: "This household is like a webcomic sometimes"

I had a train of thought. Sadly, it's Deutsche Bahn

adhd management 

trying something new, trying to separate tasks into important-urgent (IU) and important-not-urgent (INU).

the second category is the kind of stuff that falls through the cracks until it becomes a crisis and as a result becomes urgent. trying to be better about moving through life than responding to a succession of panics.

scheduling a repeating weekly urgent task to review my important-not-urgent tasks and try and do/make progress on one. we will see.

Hm. I think I might've found a reliable design for stateres in Matrix? Here's to hoping I'm right...

My city has an event where people could color in a drawing of the cathedral tower and send in the coloring, and now they are projecting them on to the tower. It is fantastic.

Happy day, whatever you celebrate. And for the northern hemisphere, more daylight hours are on the way 😶‍🌫️

#utrecht #domtoren #holiday #light #cathedral #festival #chrtistmas #yule

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