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Afgelopen donderdag gaven we de bezoekers van de eindejaarsborrel van VNO-NCW een bijzonder kerstcadeau: een confrontatie met hun destructieve strategie van vertragen, verzwakken en blokkeren. Het is tijd voor échte verandering, voordat we op een opwarming van 3°C afstevenen. #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid

The perfect mug does not exis...

Update: my favourite person @simoxsimo says that you just have to search on etsy for "ADHD cup" and you'll find something very similar.

they made the Fox Conversion Kit by giving the user the EEPROM with the Cat software on so they can swap out the existing Dog EEPROM on the mainboard. It was a cheap way to make another SKU

I have been informed that some advent calendars do NOT include christmas, but some do, and I would like an explanation from someone who understands this

Een kerstkadootje voor @ionica! Zij vertelde onlangs over het plezier een kerstkaartje te sturen naar een vriend met een huisnummer hoger dan de postcode. En toen vroeg ik me af, hoeveel adressen kunnen dat zijn? Het komt 26435 keer voor, waarvan 9010 keer alleen al in Amsterdam, en 4124 keer in Julianadorp! Maar nog exclusiever: 25 adressen hebben (bijna) dezelfde postcode als huisnummer! Waaronder Rode Kruislaan 1111A, 1111XA. Fijne kerstmis voor Ionica & de haren!

It was incredible foggy and moody, also there was an open-air theatre situated in an old castle ruin :O

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I've written a short article about how to DIY treat hair lice using heat treatment, a cheap method that is compatible with long and tangled hair, without needing to buy any substances:

Anybody who today is still promoting generative models for business use despite their unreliability, error rates, biases, environmental impact, and costs simply isn’t ever going to change their mind. They’re going to be talking about how useful it is right up until the bubble bursts and then they’ll say they had always pointed out their limitations and pretend they were always “AI critics”

(It’s already happened, IMO. A number of people who label themselves “critics” are genuine AI hype people)

Wikipedia donation grumble 

Look, there are worse orgs to donate to (like the Harris campaign!) But Wikipedia is doing very well financially (whatever their begposts may guilt-trip you into believing), they have more than enough money to run their infrastructure for several years and pay the people at the top a LOT of money.

And most importantly, the people who do the actual work are almost entirely unpaid volunteers. Your donation is not going to them.

I'm not saying you shouldn't donate to them. They're not terrible. Just, IMO there are more effective ways to make a difference with the money you can spare. But you do you.

I can't believe people are #OnHere celebrating three ghosts committing acts of literal terrorism against a CEO with a family


Made a roulade.

Next year I'm making a christmas plank XD

LPT: if you have an NS weekend subscription, it will be valid today and tomorrow because NS considers christmas to be weekend

Honestly by this point I will just immediately go full throttle "what the fuck are you thinking" when someone starts doing a COVID denial at me, because it seems like the only way to actually get through to anyone, and I'm tired.

Dear Santa

I have been a very nice shark this year. I always planned my reis in de app! Even kort voor vertrek, i did de reisplanner check. I always checked in and out, even when going from NS to Arriva. I was silent in the silence zone and cuddles passengers who needed it.

I hope you consider my niceness and give me a VIRM for Christmas.

OV Blåhaj

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.