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conflict avoidance and the sentiment “never go negative” merely allow unprincipled pissants to move unhindered in your spaces. do you believe in a cohesive compassion or do you just want to make nice, never recognizing who is absent for who you allow?

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i wonder how much of the decline in social group membership would be amended if we could measure people’s mmo guilds and d&d groups

conversely, it would be cool to see how many of those do generally prosocial things like more old timey associations used to: charity drives, scholarships, etc.

in all seriousness, in the age of algorithmic feeds and playlists, I do miss the magic and intimacy of sharing the media you like with others

I was thinking about this earlier while remembering a time where most of my social interactions online were effectively shitposting about anime and video games, and regretting that I stopped that once I left university and started working

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Remember kids, if someone asks you to sign something. *read it first!*

(we have a plumber currently trying to find out why his pad tried to charge us more than what was agreed to because I did)

I can understand the emotion behind using words like "us as a species," "humanity," and "human nature." But with these words people also make a false equivalence of the perpetrators and the victims. These words erase the 90% of us struggling to survive under this hostile, death-making system, suffering premature deaths for the profits of a very small group of people.

Name the perpetrators, because it's them and the destructive systems that benefits them we need to fight.

#AntiFascism #AntiCapitalism #Capitalism #CapitalismKillsLife #ABetterWorldIsPossible #ClimateJustice #colonialism #StopWars #imperialism #LandBack #patriarchy #consumerism

they should make the trackball ball dishwasher safe. in fact, they should make the whole trackball dishwasher safe. the keyboard, too.

that shooting, surveillance 

Various US media seem extremely busy trying to convince people in their coverage that there is no way to escape the CCTV and facial recognition in the city, presumably to scare off others, and it would be extremely funny if it then turns out that their facial recognition shit doesn't work to find the shooter

something that wasn't clear to me until i asked about it online is that IR lights in tv remotes or pokemon cartridges or whatever are, not lasers. they are light bulbs. if you could see IR light, you'd see them slightly light up everything in some vague direction, and maybe behind it a bit from reflections

and i can't put my finger on why i think that's cool. like, i guess i'm used to the idea of information being beamed directly between computers using invisible light, but the idea that the whole room is getting bathed in that information just for the other computer to pick it up is so fascinating to me

ayy, my Pokémon event spoofer got accepted as an art project at 38c3! :drgn_sparkle:

if you have a copy of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver (even some ROM hacks work), bring it by for some Mystery Gifts :D

there'll be re-runs of old events (Shaymin, Darkrai, etc.), some unreleased content (The Azure Flute), and a silly illegal Pokémon to collect - all hacked to allow DS-to-DS sharing, even after the end of the event

thinking a dwarf fortlike where you have to program their individual brains would be fun, especially if it was a weird scripting language

A small shrub-like British Soldier lichen (Cladonia cristatella).
You can also see part of this lichen in the photo in my last post.

#lichensubscribe #Mosstodon #nature #macrophotography

just got told about this: Windows 1.0 Developer Release 5 running at 8K resolution. Original author is jb881122.

cc @jernej__s

that shooting 

By this point, people are making fan art and folk songs about the shooter

Medical care for trans youth 

The centring of puberty blockers in the care of trans youth is actually a compromise position designed to placate cis discomfort.

Desistance rates during this period are so low that it effectively amounts to holding young trans people in limbo for a few years and lying that it's for their benefit.

There's no medical reason that young trans people are unable to begin medical transition in their teenage years.

The roadblock is only a combination of cis anxiety and the erroneous belief that young people lack an understanding of their own identity and the capacity to exercise bodily automomy.

STIs and the stigma around them 

I don't think the amount of stigma and shame around STIs is doing anyone any favors. The majority of common STIs these days are nearly completely harmless provided they're identified and treated early. And those that aren't treatable are still something you can absolutely live with, again, if they're identified. The issue is that people are often so ashamed about this stuff that they just won't get themselves tested or won't talk to their doctor about it at all even though it really isn't such a big deal!

Take Chlamydia for example. One of the most common STIs out there. Its symptoms are so mild that most people don't even realize they have it until they get tested. It can cause more severe symptoms if left unchecked but it just so happens that usually a single round of antibiotics is enough to cure it. Terrifying and shameful right? /s
I'd be more worried about oral herpes cause that's something that actually sticks with you forever and is annoying af.

STIs and the stigma around them 

The reason people are perfectly normal about oral herpes but terrified of Chlamydia is that the latter affects genitals and the former doesn't. Even though it's an illness like any other (a mild one at that), just the fact that it affects a specific, quite arbitrary part of your fleshy vessel makes it taboo and scary and shameful.

And it's so weird that STIs are the scary ones here because it's so very easy to prevent their transmission! Going with the oral herpes example, you're probably gonna kiss (or otherwise exchange saliva with) significantly more people than you're gonna fuck. With illnesses that spread through coughing/sneezing it's even harder to prevent transmission. Meanwhile with STIs it's like, you find out you have one, you simply don't have sex (or use protection) until it's dealt with and then you continue on as usual. This isn't to say you shouldn't use protection otherwise. You should, just in case. But let's drop the STI stigma.

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It really cannot be overstated enough: "For-profit health insurance" is fundamentally incompatible with keeping people healthy. UnitedHealthcare did not deny 1 out of every 3 claims because they thought they weren't medically valuable, they did it because they knew they could get away with it. The entire system cannot ever provide health as a meaningful outcome. It must be eliminated and replaced with taxation and a single-payer institution built on care, not resource hoarding.

As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) Some US states provide more protections than this. /end

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It’s #STFUfriday!

When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:

- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.

- Am I free to leave?

- I am not answering any questions.

- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."

- I want to talk to a lawyer.

Say it with me now, "I want to talk to a lawyer."

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