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I mean sure, You can spend all of this time evading advanced memory corruption detection, ASLR, W^X, etc. But have you considered just shoving funny bash strings into every possible hole and seeing if stuff is so busted that it will just run it anyway?

(This compromised a non zero amount of people)

trans trafficking psa 

🦾a trafficker will try to lure you into a situation where they have a lot of power over you, thus making it painful or dangerous for you to leave. It can take the form of direct imprisonment, but it can also be in the form of blackmail, psychological threats, controlling your access to a medication you need or a substance you are dependent on, controlling your finances, trapping you in a job you cannot easily leave, or scamming you

They like to target people in vulnerable situations where they may be low on alternatives

They will promise a good job, safe housing, a supportive environment, even a loving committed relationship. Things you might really need and be outright desperate for. Things which *most* people don’t offer out of malicious intent

But the trend will be toward making you more and more dependent on them while making you socially isolated

This is to get you under control so you can be forced to do what they want

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Your life depends on millions of people.
You and I need millions of people.
We can’t know them all. We will never meet them all. But, self-sufficiency is an illusion, often an expensive and thinly drawn one at that. The more high tech and comfortable your life is? The more true this is.

I do not care if you have a cabin in the woods. I do not care if you “reject modern medicine” —

This is one of those things I find “obvious” but I can imagine it starting a big argument for some.

kink / tech joke 

BDSM practitioner on fedi, AKA the ActivitySub

Politics, meme; United Healthcare, morbid 

People on Twitter will really be like "you believe in voting? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, assassinating a CEO" and then not assassi- wait, I'm receiving word from NYC.

spicy take, that shooting 

Honestly, the revolutionary potential in this event is immense.

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spicy take, that shooting 

I think it's excellent, actually, that the cops and media are spending so many resources and attention on tracking down the shooter.

Because they're doing an excellent job at driving a political turning point and possibly a revolution, by continuing to keep the event and its motivation in people's minds for such a long time.

I have been thinking about this ever since years ago Julie explained to me that the reason she dislikes graphical user interfaces is they feel like prisons because to a much larger extent they are an experience fully orchestrated by somebody else.

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We choose or are required to engage with a person, organization, business, government. They dictate what software to use for the interaction based on what is most convenient and advantageous to them.

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The notion that people choose to use computer applications because they are useful at accomplishing tasks is extremely outdated. The vast majority of software use is not voluntary.

My life would be so much easier if things worked like in The Sims. Toilet getting dirty and instantly changing from the "clean" asset to the "dirty" asset? Nice, that's a call to action I can understand.

Meanwhile in real life everything just gets slowly and continually more and more dirty and my brain completely filters it out because it "doesn't look different from yesterday"

Do you ever look at the shape of a toot and go "nah, I'm not gonna read, that it has awful vibes" before reading a single word?

OMG OMG OMG, Kinners, ich habs! Die Lösung für das Congress-Ticket-Problem! \o/

Maskenpflicht! Das wird das Interesse am Congress senken. Und zwar von den richtigen Leuten! Everyone wins! Für dieses Jahr ist es zu spät, aber nächstes Jahr vielleicht? 🥺

that shooting 

Bunch of healthcare-related companies have removed the pictures from the 'leadership' pages on their sites now.

But like, quickly hopping back to Cyberpunk and taking a really quick shot in photo mode there... I'm kind of sad they're not planning on using this engine again because they have absofuckinglutely stacked it with ray and path tracing options. I think it's the only game I've seen so far that renders the screenshot. Even a quick and dirty half assed shot looks nice in this engine.

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