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call to commit a crime 

One crate of the beverage of choice* to the person, who hacks the displays with binary genders of ÖBB nightjets to display advanced options ⚧️

*I mean it. Luxurious drinks (> 100€) excluded.

I needed to measure my necklace and grabbed the first ruler in sight. Yeah, not falling for that one, having an off-by-one error tattooed on my body is enough already. :blobhaj:

question: I would like to use libsodium for secret-key encryption, but it requires a nonce, and I need the encryption to be deterministic/convergent (for deduplication).

Is "deriving the nonce from the data by hashing it" a reasonable solution to this problem, or does that have some issue I am not aware of?

#OH: a transfem card costs 49eur in germany i think

sweetie, is everything alright? you haven't touched your audiophile pci /pci express expansion card yet.

i'm really excited to show to the world! it's a web server running on an old, broken phone, getting energy from the sun using one of those portable solar chargers that you may also have lying around.

it's a real oddity and a real beauty

🦾 How Much Is a Browser Worth?

「 Apparently people are excited about funding independent browser efforts this week. I have little interest in funding yet another browser built in C++ in 2024 but Servo is still alive. Since Mozilla refuse to let us directly fund Firefox I shall set up a recurring donation to Servo 」

#Servo #Browser #Opensource #Rust

re: CW-boost: nlpol 

I don't think we're allowed to make fun of Belgian politics anymore, going forward

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@ktemkin ..and if we change the room number, it shows the checkin information for that room instead :p


Ligt het aan mij of is deze tekst (en vele andere productteksten op de Gamma-site) gegenereerd met een LLM?

“Ik weet het niet. Het is een soort guilty pleasure. Alleen hoef je je er niet schuldig over te voelen en dat het nou een pleasure is kan ik ook niet echt zeggen.”

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Oh, also:
- Put together and installed two desks, for the other creatures in this house

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Home improvement update log, since last post:
- Put together and installed several cabinets (finally! storage!)
- Installed a fake plant for decoration (helpfully, those don't die)
- Replaced the shower head pin with one that isn't decaying and half hanging out of the wall (this required dealing with expired wall filler)
- Replaced the vibration dampening for my air conditioner with washing machine dampeners, which turns out to work much better than my previous homebrew styrofoam solution

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I've seen a lot of odd choices in GDPR implementation, but "the privacy policy is a Vimeo-hosted video" is a new one to me

Last week ago I saw someone use e14n instead of enshittification and thought it was the funniest thing ever, a way to somehow make the term even shittier.

#Covid’s going nuts again. Time to bring my #Aranet4 indoor air quality posts back. I’m in Monterey to photograph 4th of July festivities. I’ve been in 2 restaurants today, both with CO2 readings of below 600.

This one is a small Japanese cafe that’s almost filled to capacity. With 24 people in this smallish space, the CO2 reading is 540. I was standing for 5 minutes deep in the restaurant when the reading was recorded.

Just one door and a commercial kitchen hood can refresh the air at an amazing pace. This place had 2 cross vented doors and a hood.

Most *casual* restaurants I’ve measured have far better air quality when semi-full than a typical office. If you choose a crowded house party over a restaurant during a Covid wave, you may be choosing the higher risk.

Most people will choose to take risks, including most people reading this. Learn to choose the less risky option.

For reference, the outdoor CO2 on this day reads at 450. 540 in a small crowded cafe is very good considering.

Deze bus gaat naar Nieuwegein City. Voor mij heeft dat dezelfde vibe als Boerenkoolstronkeradeel Grand Central Station

im many tabs do you have open. boost for sample size

My #Mastodon bookmarks (and previously twitter) are like a black hole that sucks in everything but will never show it again. Because there’s no sensible way to find anything ever again. For my own use, I created a small web app based on #streamlit that allows me to search and explore my bookmarks. It’s actually proven quite useful already, and now I decided to share the code as is in case anyone else wants to try it.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.