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I would hate Thunderbird a lot less if it didn't constantly freeze mid-typing because of some internal operation in a mailbox somewhere, because apparently it cannot afford more than one thread?

question about plurality, Boosts appreciated <3 

So, here's a weird hypothetical question.

If I was plural, how would I know? And is it possible to be pkural just as... aspects of myself, identities, but not necessarily separate identities within me?

I... have some curiosity about some things about myself, both now and in the past. I have no need to conclude one way or another, but asking the questions seems fun and at any rate, I'll end up understanding myself better in the end. I see no downside.

#plural #plurality

Subtooting half of fedi, Disability Pride Month 

Disability Pride Month is the perfect time to review whether your post revolution utopias actually involve us or not, and if they do, whether it's to our detriment

source code in alt text 

Finally got around to adding modifier/filtering support to relations in dlayer-knex, and pretty happy with how my database queries are starting to look now

Let's see if I can say this gently, so that nobody will get their knickers in a knot:

Hey anybody working in cybersecurity, wannabe-peer and queer American dude speaking!

Cops are an APT.
Republicans are an APT.
The cop in your heart is an APT.

Who are you really working for?

What are you securing?


Morgenochtend 10u in #DenHaag gaan mensen van uiteenlopend politiek pluimage tegen het nieuwe, extreemrechtse kabinet demonstreren! Voor veel mensen eigenlijk wel erg laat, want ik zelf en mijn antifascistische kameraden demonstreren al sinds mensenheugenis tegen #extreemrechts (en sinds 22/11 tegen dit aankomende kabinet). Maar goed, no bad feelings verder; we gaan er een goede demonstratie van maken met z'n allen! 🪧 :antifa:

Wel één advies voor mensen die niet zo vaak op demonstraties komen: PRAAT NIET met #Powned, #Bender, #UP! Network en #OngehoordNederland! Dit is geen legitieme pers! Het enige wat ze doen is hun items zo verknippen, dat het binnen hun extreemrechtse narratief valt. Een betere term voor deze lui is #haatentertainment. Je hoeft ze niet te slaan, maar wel negeren en als ze echt lastig worden, ze met zachte hand uit de demonstratie verwijderen. Veel succes!

🌐 h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶w̶w̶w̶.̶g̶l̶o̶b̶a̶l̶i̶n̶f̶o̶.̶n̶l̶/̶n̶i̶e̶u̶w̶s̶/̶2̶-̶j̶u̶l̶i̶-̶t̶e̶g̶e̶n̶-̶e̶e̶n̶-̶e̶x̶t̶r̶e̶e̶m̶r̶e̶c̶h̶t̶s̶e̶-̶r̶e̶g̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶

:antifa: 🗓️

🪧 🗓️

#Schoof #Schoof1 #Bruin1

Things done today:
- Installed new towel rack (whoo, turns out it's screw-compatible with the old one! I hate drilling into concrete)
- Installed clingfilm/tinfoil dispenser on kitchen wall (and fucked up the screw spacing, hence the screw movers)
- Installed the new toilet seat (not yet sure whether it is actually an ergonomic improvement over the old broken one)

Definitely glad to finally be getting some home improvement stuff done. Various cabinets etc. arriving tomorrow so I can finally tidy up stuff that has so far lived mostly on the floor

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(Also yes, I've been away taking a break from fedi and Matrix, and will likely resume doing so soon)

Today's design: a 'screw mover' for correcting the positioning of screw holes that are just *slightly* off, enough to be a problem, but not so far that you could just drill a new hole next to it.

palestine + 

as a result of the months-long student encampment for palestine at swansea university, the uni has agreed to divest 5 million from barclays bank ❤️💚🤍🖤

when they hold banner drops on the bridge over the big road, all the traffic beeps in support too <3

re: hot take, subtoot 

This applies doubly so for *security* advice, which is what this is originally subtooting.

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hot take, subtoot 

If you defend bad advice in an article with "it's just boilerplate", you're just confirming that the advice is bad, actually.

Don't give authoritative-sounding advice if you understand the subject so poorly that you have to resort to boilerplate.

I swear fedi is the only place on the internet where I regularly see shit like:

"CW: software development, open source, kink, nsfw, drugs"

and I absolutely love it

thinking of how formerly open source corporate like Red Hat or HashiCorp are migrating to more restrictive licenses because they don't want the Big 5 to appropriate their labour, while FOSS people still reject ethical and anti-capitalist licenses in favour of Freedom 0 dogma, even after being repeatedly backstabbed by Apple, Google etc. and after watching their free labour bankroll the likes of Anduril or the IDF.

PSA: how to keep using ublock origin on chrome
a lot of people are using this as an opportunity to switch to firefox, but some people need to keep using chrome for some things, or just prefer it in general. so:

Adobe is trying to claim right of access to all of your projects for them to use to train their "AI," regardless of things like NDA, meaning that they are willing to violate HIPAA laws, FERPA laws, and any number of binding civil structures:

If you're in the US, you can contact the FTC here:
and provide them with this contact information
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
Fax: 408-537-6000

I don't know the specifics of the process in the EU, but here might be a good place to start:

For #pride month you cannot say “let me get this straight”. Instead say “ok just so we’re queer”.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.