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Open Database of Design Salaries: a list of salaries of designer, across industries, experience level and geographic location.
There’s less data outside of North America, so people, they need you to participate!

CNBC, this ostensibly economics-focused broadcaster, has a series of videos on YouTube analyzing why companies went to shit, and it's kind of funny how the conclusion is basically "because capitalism" every time

Once again I am being baffled by the Rust compiler giving me errors that make no sense because it seems to be doing some sort of implicit interpretation but isn't telling me what, so I can't reason about it

Premier van alle Nederlanders zijn is zoiets als de beste ergens in zijn: als je het erbij moet vertellen, ben je het niet.

Question: I know titles like "Doctor" are considered protected terms and you need certain qualifications to use them.
Is "mister" in some way protected? Like, if someone who is not male picked it from the dropdown on a credit application, is that in some way fraud? Or can just anyone pick the title that's more likely to be approved?

Regarding last boost, you may recall I have warned people to be wary of any accessibility content in posts at Google’s web•dev.

My simplest example is this 1½-year-old report on an egregiously wrong tool-tips post that its author, and site editors, have chosen to simply ignore:

Last boost:

#a11y #accessibility #Google

Good morning amazing people!!! :)

It’s Wednesday, the midpoint of the week. The weekend will be upon us in a few more days.

Always remember to be kind to yourself and your loved ones. Check on the people you haven’t talk to in a while.

Today we are gonna be talking about water displacement.

Water displacement is the phenomenon that occurs when an object is placed in water and the water moves to make space for the object. This happens due to a fundamental principle of physics called Archimedes’ Principle. When an object is placed in water, it pushes aside an equal volume of water. This is because liquids have the ability to flow and adjust their shape to accommodate the object. The water that is displaced exerts an upward force on the object, called buoyant force. This force is equal to the weight of the water that has been displaced. If the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the object, the object will float. If the buoyant force is less than the weight of the object, it will sink. The amount of water displaced depends on the size and shape of the object. Larger or more irregularly shaped objects will displace more water than smaller or smoother objects.

Ik zoek iemand om (grassroots) activistische dingen mee te organiseren, dingen die niet alleen maar een demonstratie zijn maar ook echt iets effectiefs bereiken, want ik begin me toch steeds hopelozer te voelen over de richting van de politiek. :boost_requested:

Voor de volledigheid: ik kan niet meedoen aan dingen die illegaal zijn, om redenen. Dat laat nog genoeg opties, en ik sta voor een hoop open, maar ik kan het niet alleen.

(Graag alleen reageren als je interesse hebt om persoonlijk en actief ergens aan samen te werken, aan "hee kom eens naar <willekeurig activistisch cafe>" heb ik momenteel niet zoveel)

long post about the web 

i think a lot about the ephemerality of the internet.

one of my favorite personal sites full of wonderful therian writings, Thébaïde (, appears to have gone down in the last couple months. hopefully it comes up again, and despite this, it is well archived on the internet archive.

except... the internet archive has been intermittently down the last few days from a DDOS attack. while i trust they'll continue to hold out for quite some time, they are still a single point of failure as an organization, subject to regulatory whims, and if people bother to utilize it before it becomes needed. it's one great resource but shouldn't be the only one.

anyone who wants to reliably back something up knows having one point of failure is bad news, even if it's pretty reliable. even if you've got redundant hard drives, that won't protect you from a power surge, so you get a surge protector, which won't protect you from a house fire. so you make offsite backups to supplement your local ones, and then you can be reasonably certain you've got most bases covered.

i've got local backups of Thébaïde and other sites, and i encourage others to do similar for things they value online. this is doubly important if you are part of a niche or marginalized community - you might be the only one who has one, and you might be the one who ends up preserving community history.

the furry community ran into this recently with VCL, which was archived, but for a short time it looked as if years of artwork might've simply vanished. you don't have to make a hoard, but every bit helps slow the inevitable entropy of link rot.

Vraag van een kennis die zelf niet op fedi zit: voor DIY HRT-injecties, wat is de makkelijkste betaalbare manier om in NL aan (veilige) injectiebenodigdheden te komen?

electric cars are basically the 'we can just recycle the plastic!' solution to urban transportation

it doesn't remotely confront the problem

Ik snap niet hoevaak we nog tegen voorbeelden van "de zorg is geen markt" aan kunnen lopen voor dat het een keer doordringt?

Medicijntekorten raakt mensen meteen, zoals ikzelf letterlijk vorige maand nog heb meegemaakt.

Hot take: if a company builds a product to be dependent on a service they run, then they should be on the hook for running that service for as long as people want to use the product, actually, even when it gets really old and expensive.

If you don't want to be stuck running an old service, then don't make your products dependent on it. If you choose to do so anyway, then that is *your* business risk, don't make it the problem of your customers.

I don't expect that this rewrite is going to be accepted as a PR upstream, given how significant the changes are, but in the worst case I just publish it as a fork :)

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Despite the complete internal rewrite, and the move to async iterators instead of streams and promises instead of callbacks, it actually doesn't break any of the existing API; it's fully backwards compatible (and still passes all the original tests aside from some internals tests).

The new features probably won't all be supported with the old API, but internals improvements will.

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Project status: nearly done with my LevelGraph refactoring, now I have a version that uses async iterators and promises and that should be much easier to extend with support for statement-level annotations and other neat features (without breaking stuff)

Weirdos who had unrestricted access online growing up in the 1990s/2000s: "The children need to have their internet snooped and logged! Evil pedos on every corner! Shock sites! It's an outrage!"

Me when my parents watched my every move online: "If I look one thing up they don't approve of they'll lock me out of my only way of talking to social peers in this rural area. I'm not even allowed to have a screensaver with a password. A flash drive they didn't know about was near treason."

Me whenever I didn't have that spy shit: "Oh wow, this explains a lot to challenge what I was told by them. This explains the concepts of sex better than the books. This tells me the history of the world my family didn't know or didn't want me to know. No wonder they only wanted approved media, it fed me lies they wanted to use."

Also me: ha ha funny pony show they didn't like :3

I deeply cannot express enough that if your family (or any hierarchy for that matter) wants to lock down what you can see, say, or do, disobey them.

You *might* fuck up, but it's better to be free and learn mistakes than repressed or held back and socially outcast from your peers.

Your parents aren't cops. Your boss isn't a cop. The cops are fuckin dipshits. Fuck em all.


Today's site photo! No new tents today but things are coming along inside them.

One of my favorite challenges in any metroidvania is "get from point A to point B while special conditions apply"

Things like, I can't jump, I'm carrying a heavy object, there's a time limit, a monster is chasing me.

Challenges that requires me to understand the world, think about the spaces, plan a route, weigh different choices, and finally execute my plan.

It's incredibly satisfying, and very underused.

@joepie91 definitely! While this means the Efteling doesn't always make the most logical choices, it sure means it's a park where just making a profit doesn't dictate all policies and plans. One of the core goals of the Efteling is still to be affordable to the biggest group of people, which I just love 💜

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.