
Since people are getting restless about Hetzner again: yes, those kinds of TOS are problematic. However, and this is crucial, they are also *common* - even if not every hosting provider tells you upfront.

Does this justify such terms? No. But it means that you need to think carefully about what your actual anticipated problems are, and whether moving to a different provider is actually a good solution.

When it comes down to it, virtually every cheap hosting provider is going to be extremely strict on acceptable usage of their services; usually they will enforce a strict and conservative interpretation of the local legislation, because simply put, fighting legal cases costs money.

Hetzner sticks out right now due to recent incidents, but consider how big they actually are; at that scale, two incidents do not make a pattern, and unless you *know* that another provider is more friendly to your cause (and this will likely have a pricetag attached), other options are not necessarily better.

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(I also want to emphasize that this has been a problem for *at least* a decade, and in some ways has become *less* of a problem over that time.)

@joepie91 "and this will likely have a pricetag attached" ...yeah, the pricing of is a good example

@joepie91 I'm probably not going to switch unless I run into issues or I find a much nicer hosting provider that I can afford.

@joepie91 I would like to find an actually not shit hosting provider™ though.

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