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Angel: You want them to rest every night?

God: 8 hours. Completely unconscious and immobile.

Angel: And then they wake up completely refreshed?

God: No.

I guess nobody at Logitech QA-tested their devices against food packaging

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Love how a bag of crackers (not even one with foil!) can apparently completely ruin the wireless reception of my trackball

re: frustrated, tech, child abuse 

like seriously, anyone who is not even familiar with the idea of "most abuse comes from close circles, not from strangers" is absolutely *not* qualified to be building anything relating to child safety

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Still shocked when I see things like this 1 TB microSD card. The equivalent of 694,400 floppy disks in a form so small I could swallow it painlessly with a bit of water.

(notifications muted)

frustrated, tech, child abuse 

developers stop adding "parental control" features into your apps that just enable abuse challenge 2023 (impossible)

@LilyVers i feel like sometimes executive function cartridge comapnies are just ripping us off; often it feels like they're only half full!!

i demand full executive function cartridges!!

executive function cartridge is empty. please replace executive function cartridge to continue

I’ve come to realize that the traditional classroom isn’t so much about learning as it is creating the illusion of learning from standardization, and favors those who can disproportionately exploit that. It doesn’t allow for individual comprehension rates (can that even be measured?) or relevant tangents. It’s one size fits all vs. diversity and that doesn’t work.

i think one technology that may get bosses out of the loop would be #p2p -ish collaboration tools. inside the firm this may bring down control and information flow down from management and to in between the endpoints, maximizing the use of local knowledge. but it can go beyond firm boundaries: working directly with customers, suppliers, competitors would potentially be just as easily.

#workplaceAnarchy #deAdministration

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so I've started seeing Mastodon apps fetch posts in threads from other servers directly, bypassing server blocks.

This is ... this is deeply concerning to me.

idk folks but I don't think the courts are gonna side with small-time creators on the OpenAI thing

The lead attorney for GitHub arguing that #Copilot using #OpenSource is fair use following precedent from #Oracle Vs #Google is Annette Hurst, who represented Oracle and personally argued against the verdict in public on Twitter.

honestly git should just take the author name/email out of the commit hash. "i need to rewrite the entire git history to replace the author name" - statements dreamed up by the utterly cis

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