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wouldn't it be great if people could phrase feedback constructively like what could be better, instead of this is bad this is wrong, fix it

"if you don't like it, fork it" is the software equivalent of "if you hate it here, just move"

"The 1st of July a new squatting law will go into effect, making squatting harder and harder for those in need of housing or wanting to express their political opinion on housing.

The law will make it so squats can be evicted and possibly criminally prosecuted within 3 days. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS!

It is even against European Housing Law, and even the police have said this is not viable.

That's why we will be protesting against this law to stop it or make sure it wont be used. We hope to see you 17:00 on the 1st of July at the Malieveld, The Hague!"


#kraken #kraakwet #wooncrisis #anarchisme #squatting #anarchism #DenHaag #TheHague #Malieveld

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

one time i heard someone in a talk say that before u write a comment explaining what ur code does u should consider rewriting the code n i rlly liked that thats useful advice

anyone running Misskey 12.111.0 so i can try following them from a GtS instance? It seems Misskey have fixed up their issues with http signatures so federation between GtS and Misskey should work properly now

Christianity and homosexuality 

The bible doesn't actually say anything against homosexuality (unless you go by the later versions like the English Standard Version). I generally just go by the King James version. That Corinthians verse is about lying, as in fibbing, where you kill yourself and your bro when you lie to them like you lie to your wife. The bible is just misogynistic and anti-sex (unless to procreate). Anyone effeminate can't enter heaven either, which would include women.

anyways, if you gotta talk to the computer in a particular way to get a good conversation, then that seems like it's on you.

you ever hear the story of the MIT team back in the day that wanted to train a computer to recognize when it saw you jump with a camera, and it worked for them, but it didn't work for the general public? It turned out that the computer had trained them to jump in a certain way instead of them teaching the computer.

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COVID + other infectious diseases 

Related: politicians have from the start been promoting an idea that "we can't wear masks forever" /para from the start, and I'd like to contradict that. Yeah, actually, we *can* wear masks (in public places in regions where COVID is spreading) forever, and really, we should. Things are never going to "go back to normal", either. That's a related liberal fantasy. Even if not having to worry about disease epidemics was truly "normal" (considering all of human history, it really wasn't), we can't go back to it.

This is our new normal, and we have to live with that new normal. Not by throwing caution at the wind and letting a deadly airborne virus to spread indiscriminately, but by doing the opposite and fighting against it. That means always having masks at the ready, for the rest of our lives and for as long as humans continue to exist, and using them if COVID has spread into your area in addition to quarantining if you know you've been exposed. Yes, we can do this forever, and we have to.


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I have been told this is a very hot take 

I don't consider allies to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. They're not any gayer or transer or queerer for associating with people who don't have the same privilege they do. And it seems that anytime they don't get to participate in the "club," they get really upset, like they're owed something for their support.

It's not that the support of cishet people isn't valued or important, but so often it feels performative with the end goal of being part of a community they don't belong to.

Anyway, I've been told this is a really controversial take by a few so-called allies, and it seems to fit into a pattern that I've noticed over several years. One with a lot of "we" language when they're happy with what the queers are doing and a lot of "you" language when they want to distance themselves, which the ones I've met do as often as it's convenient for them.

Since this apparently needs to be repeated: you don't write reliable code by "being really careful" or "avoiding mistakes".

You do it by accepting that you *will* inevitably make mistakes, and designing your code so that the likelihood and/or impact of those mistakes is minimized.

Always thought the Dyson Sphere thing was weirdly capitalist, like "a type 6 advanced civilization will need to harness the power of an entire star" no an advanced civilization will sit in the grass enjoying birds and bugs and a stable climate for thousands of years

We should have some form of public goods transport, where you 'check in' some kind of cargo (camping gear, large hardware store purchase, whatever) at the point of origin, specify where you're going and when you'll arrive, and then someone shows up after that time with your stuff, for a price that's in line with human public transport.

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