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“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin

It's so bizarre that people assume so many things about autistic people and do weird studies on them like they're animals instead of just asking them questions. We are so dehumanized that they don't even trust our own perceptions of ourselves

hey if a tech person is ever explaining to you what the bug was that they fixed and it doesn't match the problem you saw tell them because odds are there's another bug that they have to fix

source: someone I was explaining what bug I fixed to like 15 seconds ago

German goverment reduces taxes for the oil companies to buy gas.
Oil companies keep the additional profit.
Government is surprised.

slow clap

here's your irregular reminder that NPM can, in fact, do time-traveling installs:

👉🏻 `npm install foo --before 2021`

...will only install `foo` (and its dependencies) as they looked right before 2021-01-01 at midnight.

Leiden: koloniale vuilnis ingepakt #beeldenstorm via

De gemeente maakte zelfs bekend dat er aangifte gedaan gaat worden van vandalisme. Aangifte voor het inpakken in vuilniszakken?

It does raise one interesting question though - in cases where you really are one of the few minorities in a bigoted town, is anarchy actually any better for you than modern democracies with civil rights and whatnot? I think so, because there's no apparatus of power for the bigots to capture and use against you, they'd have to do the oppressing themselves, and if there are other minorities a mutual defense association would work as a deterrent. But, it's still a scary thought.

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I've been in a multi-day extended (friendly) discussion with a socdem. They keep saying pretty much the same three things:

1. People will somehow vote "more correctly" under "true" democracy whereas under anarchy people will automatically become bigoted conservatives bc of localism
2. Examples of the failure of democracy today are just "badly executed democracy."
3. We need a single reified entity to enforce a set of rules, so we can have a "society."



cofe on a great day:

1. make cofe

cofe on a good day:

1. grind cofe
2. make cofe
3. cleanup

cofe on a bad day:
1. walk into kitchen
2. loading.gif
3. switch on espresso machine boiler
4. turn on scale
5. measure 18.2g of cofe
6. put cofe in grinder
7. grind cofe
8. clean bottom of grinder with brush
9. get portafilter
10. put cofe in portafilter
11. stir cofe
12. tamp cofe
13. attach portafilter
14. put scale on drip tray
15. put cup on scale
16. reset scale
17. slightly open steam valve
18. wait until boiler temp drops below threshold
19. switch on pump for preinfusion
20. wait until boiler gets up to temp
21. close valve and start timer
22. wait 30s for 27g of cofe
23. switch off pump and boiler
24. remove cup and scale from drip tray
25. turn off scale
26. sigh
27. leave portafilter attached
28. pick up cup, look for spoon
29. sigh
30. walk to drawer
31. open drawer, take spoon
32. give cofe a stir
33. sigh at dirty spoon
34. open dish washer
35. sigh at dish washer full of clean dishes
36. drop spoon in sink
37. leave kitchen

I am a huge advocate for never speaking to your abusive family again. and never let anyone convince you that you’re going to regret not reconciling before they die. that is entirely up to them.

So here's a simple-to-understand reason why capitalism, very fundamentally, *cannot* promote innovation:

- Success under capitalism requires scale
- Scale requires a large target market
- Most people will prefer a 'stable' well-understood solution to a new 'scary' innovative one, even when the innovative one is actually better
- Therefore, the best way to succeed under capitalism is to avoid innovation, and only do tried-and-tested things, because that appeals to the biggest target market, and lets you scale up

Sysadmin tip: If you manage an ipv4 /24 and can't figure out a naming scheme, Pokemon Gold/Silver's full national dex is 251 pokemon. Throwing in Missingno, Oak, Elm, Jesse and James makes 256.

Figuring out how to get "Nidoran♀" into DNS and /etc/hosts without an explosion is an exercise left to the implementer.

@redstarfish @schratze Fascist folks will write very useful software for fascist folks. I can’t believe there’s even a debate about whether it’s good to work with fascists if they agree to slap a GPL license on their work.

“Hey, let me introduce you to my friend Chad. He’s a Nazi, but he sure writes some sick code.”

Yeah, no.


much like 2020, a lot of "the left" is ignoring the need for drastic action that needs to be taken wrt attacks on queer people and reproductive autonomy. don't pay attention to people telling you that we need some ultimate "mass movement" all we have is now and right here

We've literally got shortages of the materials used to make a load of technology, and corporations are manufacturing non-serviceable, and even disposable versions of that technology.

Fucking capitalism.

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Hey Fediverse - feel free to boost this question.

Is anyone developing or does anyone know of "brain training" phone/tablet games SPECIFICALLY aimed at users with dementia.

I'm thinking like, bejewelled, hidden object, endless matching, <whatever>scapes, but they need to be ad-free, low-distraction, big visuals, low stakes/low stress.

I almost want toddler busy-games. But for senior adults. SagoBiggie!

y’all where is the safest place for lgbtqia people in the carribbean

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