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lol my fucking (stock AT&T) router ran a whole scan of my network and tried to log into my NAS repeatedly until I got an email from my NAS saying it had blocked a local IP address 😅

Things autism research could be about:

- How does autism radar work?
- Do we have an easier time communucating with other autistics because our ways of communication are similar, or because we've all had to learn to accomodate the people we're talking to?
- What can be done to prevent and treat autistic burnout?
- What even *is* autistic burnout exactly?
- What effects does masking have on your mental health?
- What autistic traits are actually traits of autism, and which ones are trauma responses?
- How is a non-traumatized autistic brain work?
- How can we better accomodate autistic people?

What autism research is about:
- How do we make the autistic people stop existing?

I keep thinking of the reddit post along the lines of "wait, in the US you can actually punch a hole in a wall? i thought when that happened on a tv show, it was like a meta joke on how everything was filmed on a set made of cheap materials, but actually all their walls are like that?"

I got a lovely reminder today that projects I worked on in the past may seem like ancient memories to me, but will be new discoveries for people when they find them later.

As a person who's most familiar with making live performances, asynchronous creativity at times still feels like a magical new idea.

Keep making stuff.
Keep sharing stuff.

Rapport d’enquête du BEA-RI sur l’incendie du data center SBG2 OVH de Strasbourg du 10 mars 2021
BEA-RI investigation report on the fire at the SBG2 OVH data center in Strasbourg on March 10, 2021

Heads up to anyone trying to get estradiol valerate (estrogen injections): insurance won't cover a supply of any medicine that lasts you more than 90 days - I guess because they don't want you to get TOO secure or independent from the doctors and insurance people - but estradiol vials don't come in anything less than 5mg, so if you're on a 0.25mg dose per week like me, that adds up to a 140 day supply at minimum. To get around that, you need to ask your pharmacist to put it in as 90 days anyway.

@calcifer @malte The thing I always point out about preventing hierarchies from re-emerging in anarchist thins is that it has to be a conscious, ongoing effort. Every egalitarian society I know of which has survived for substantial amounts of time had purposeful levelling mechanisms to ensure that no one developed outsized authority, and any time I try to envision any kind of anarchist future I always include how decentralized organization can balance power and thereby eliminate hierarchy.

It's cool that people want to make more egalitarian structures. It's amazing that people want to eliminate hierarchies of power. But it's frustrating to watch such attempts fail because a certain brand of idealism prevents people from understanding that the absence of a plan for keeping power distributed and accountable will in every case produce unaccountable power structures, which is usually a worse outcome than what they're trying to avoid or replace

it's exhausting to watch people make the same mistakes over and over.

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

more NixOS-specific 

Relatedly, it's frustratingly difficult to explain to people that the reason NixOS "doesn't have a feature" is because it fundamentally doesn't *need* that feature, because the "feature" is actually a workaround for a problem that NixOS doesn't have to begin with...

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vaguely philosophical tech stuff, long-ish 

So there's an interesting problem that Nix has, which is the "curse of knowledge"... once you learn how it works, suddenly everything else in the space starts looking super fragile. I joke about this a lot, but it's a very real thing.

And that has implications for how Nix(OS) folks interact with other communities - they'll often point out, for example, that some problem isn't actually fundamental or inherent because Nix *did* solve it already a decade ago.

And outwardly this looks a lot like "a fanboy pushing their favourite tool on everybody", but it isn't, really - quite often, it's *genuinely* a case of that person seeing issues that most other people have learned to ignore or accept, and not being able to un-see that.

And they are getting *legitimately* frustrated by other people continuing to build more towers of complexity on top of (to them) obviously fragile systems - not because their favourite tool isn't being used, but because of all the wasted effort and time that other people put into needlessly broken systems, that could've been put to so much better use.

I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this toot, but this is something I rarely see being talked about. It's not exclusive to NixOS, either; there's a very similar thing going on with capability-based security, and undoubtedly a number of other topics that I don't know about.

It feels like there should be some sort of broader conversation about this?

Van :twitter:

If "Share The Road" feels more difficult/dangerous than it used to, it's because it is.

ah hm yes 0B of free space on /, I see how that would negatively impact things

apparently there was another incident of someone leaking classified documents on the war thunder forums to settle an argument

this is the third time in a year

Just had genuinely one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. I desperately needed the toilet so we went into a shopping center to find one. As expected they had a disabled restroom (which I need), but it was locked with a lovely sign on it instructing anyone who needed it to hunt down a member of their "security team" and get them to unlock it.

Not only was the idea of that humiliating and upsetting enough. There were no fucking security guards working today. After 20 minutes of desperate searching for one my wife found a member of staff who just dismissed her with "it should be unlocked".

During the whole time I watched another disabled person have to try fit their wheelchair into the parent & baby changing room!

I finally found a member of the cleaning staff to unlock it but my god the fact that it's a fucking normal experience to just have the disabled restrooms locked is horrific. It's humiliating and infantilising having to find a member of staff just to let me use the bathroom.

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