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The implicit meaning of this argument is that one should not face responsibility for their actions unless everyone faces responsibility for their actions—which is, again, a childish way of attempting to dodge guilt while clumsily and unconsciously admitting it.

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The EU sends this book for free to whomever wants it. It was cool pictures, lots of data and sweet maps in it.

#europe #radiation #maps

i read a thing recently that blew my mind a little.
went something like:

people can imagine time travel to the past and one little act making massive differences in the timeline

but in their present they think even the greatest effort they can put in will not make any difference to the future

i wonder if people who are into latex have the experience of searching something about it and finding things about \LaTeX instead

You create a system that rewards exploitation and then wonder why the greediest bastards always seem to rise to the top.



cryptocoin grifters are so much worse when they say they do it in favor of some good cause.... if you really cared you'd help without cryptoshit grifting ya know

Corporate Pride 

The thing about rainbow corporate logos during pride month isn't that I have strong feelings against seeing rainbows in June unless flown by the proletariat.

OK, I mean, its not just that.

Its that these companies spend 12 months a year underpaying their low level staff, in which includes LGBT workers. They lobby against minimum wage increases by giving money to right wing politicians who want to destroy us. That's nearly all of them.


just got a YT ad from the daily wire about "in California girls who identify as boys can have a double mastectomy at as young as 13 years old." something something "madness" something something "documentary", while they're mix-and-matching heads and bodies and legs with ominous children singing in the background. how much money does Google make from that shit having been shown to me? from having been shown to trans people? but happy pride month I guess

all caps, obscure joke 


"How difficult could it be to wire up Kodi on my phone to my NAS at home?"

my therapist: and what do we do when we feel like this?

me: identify the oppressive social systems responsible and dismantle the fuck out of them

my therapist: oh yeah that's way better than what i was gonna say

#TIL In 2019, NASA realized all the high-performance ferrite cores, used in the best fluxgate magnetometers by both US and European space missions worldwide, came from a single source. And nobody knows how to make them anymore. The process was developed in the 1960s by now-nonexistent military projects and defense contractors. #electronics

don't talk to me until my coffee has had its energy drink

Instead of rainbow capitalism I would like the month of June used to force rich people to pay for transition surgeries

Queer pride, shame and mental health 

This one is particularly important for me.

I struggle with my orientation. I'm genuinely ashamed of it, and I constantly feel like a square peg trying to fit in to a round hole when my peers in my community are invariably sapphic.

So pride month hits me hard, because suddenly my community starts taking pride in not being like me. And even though I know every queer person complaining or joking about "the straights" doesn't mean me, I still see that messaging. I still internalise it. I'm still ashamed of something I didn't choose and can't change. The messaging from my own community implying that I'm not a member of that community is like a slap every time I see it.

I know we don't really have commonly accepted alternative language, but fuck I wish we did. I want to be able to carry the same pride the rest of the community does, instead of feeling ashamed and different

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if elon musk hates socialism so much why is he always getting publicly owned

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