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Another #PrideMonth reminder. As I mentioned earlier, it's important that we don't use gay as a stand in for the whole queer community represented by pride.

There's another side to that coin though. It's important that we don't use straight to mean "not part of the queer community"

There are straight intersex folks, straight trans folks, queer people in straight passing relationships etc, all of whom see the messaging that others them from their community. Let's aim for inclusion

how to make iced tea in 2 easy steps:

1 make tea
2 have adhd

Found a picture of myself (and my cat) from back in 2013! Honestly it feels a lot more 'me' than how I look now...
(CW indirect eye contact)

I can't believe I've started Pride Month off by seeing someone demand that LGBTQ+ people "be respectable" and adhere to "traditional social values".

Fuck that. Be outré. Be avant-garde. Be... some other French word that means "weird". Pride isn't about fitting in and going with the flow. Pride is about being yourself and doing it, well, proudly.

Happy Pride Month to everyone except corporations

happy pride month.

pride is not a "celebration of identity." it's a demonstration of the iron will of queers to resist state-sanctioned genocide across multiple generations and cultures.

this has not changed, except that some businesses think they can purchase us like a brand.

My scraping server now has much nicer dry-run output \o/

June 1st is Trans Day of Being Completely Fucking Done with Pride Month Less Than Ten Hours In.

No brands at pride! No cops at pride! No fake allies at pride! Fuck the lot of you.

It's the start of the pride month. This reminder is still needed because the transphobia within the queer community is blatant. The constant hate from the cisnormative world is already a huge burden - but let's face it: The queer community also has an issue they don't like to discuss about. (continued in comments)
#lgbtqia #trans

so 65% of about 250 said they don't care about exclusive perks when they are a subscriber or patron to an artist or project. many comments highlighted the desire to 'just support', help artist do their thing. some are even actively looking for ways to not receive extra exclusives in order to not make artist work more just for that.

i think that's quite interesting.

Charlie Brown: But with all this commercialism and decoration and money, can someone just tell me what Pride is really about?

Linus: *Hands Charlie Brown a brick, gestures at a cop*

*Jazzy piano music plays*

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Fucking AI generated stuff without cw, hoping to explain it so you understand what the problem is 

I can't talk directly with the people I follow who boost it into my timeline, because by the time I realize it's happened, if I'm trying to block where it came from, while I'm getting hit with severe nausea, hoping I don't have to see it again, then I realize blocking first means I can't message someone I follow who boosted it into my timeline in the first place because the message is gone.

This is why I made those public calls in the past few days. It's not just about making me feel a little bit uncomfortable, it comes over me as a wave and if anything else is slightly out of sync with me, which it always is because I'm already disabled by so many other things, I'll get so fucking sick in seconds before I realize why. I couldn't not see it, because no one gave me the option.

This is making this place unsafe for me. I don't want to have to fight this every day until I figure out all the accounts to block, when everyone is sharing un-CWd ai generated images.

The images are instant I don't even have to try to understand them before I'm sick and then I realize why I'm not understanding them. I'm just left feeling sick.

Please, please let me feel safe on here again.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.