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@alex I think removing the "inheritance" mechanic and resetting the internal game economy would go a long way

rich people are way OP under capitalism imo, could use a serious nerf for balance reasons

child abuse, hate towards sámi, swedish colonialism, banned languages 

When I was a kid, my best friend changed his last name. His dad had earlier changed his first name.

The dad was part of a minority in the north of sweden speaking Meänkieli. When the dad went to school, he was abused by his teachers for speaking his language.
The shame took such deep roots that he changed his names, because they sounded too much like of the Torne valley, the area he was born in.

It's extremely common in Sweden to be "in support" of american natives. It is very uncommon to speak of our oppression of the Sámi, and other groups. The Sámi lands, Sápmi, cover the north of Sweden, Norway, Finland and part of Russia. Their language and culture has been treated very much the same as Torne and Meänkieli, and still face a lot of oppression.

swedish people will call themselves anti-racist and point fingers abroad. We do not speak of what's happening inside our own borders.


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yes yes, you're being “politically incorrect”, as in, your politics are unsound

#accessibility post i found on tumblr:

some of you may've heard about that fancy "bionic reading" typefont thats supposed to be easier for #neurodivergent people to read (if you're unfamiliar, it bolds the first few letters of each word to make it easier to follow)

well guess what, its locked behind a $500 a month API to write in because fuck you!

introducing, Not Bionic Reading! it is literally just the bionic reading typefont but for free. god bless neocities

Dear Gnome devs
Some of my files have a space in their name
In the file picker, when I search for a file using the search box, the space key refuses to act like a space key and instead acts like the enter key
So as soon as I press space, I will end up with whatever file was first in the list
Which, and I cannot stress this enough, is not what I want
Do you even fucking use your shit

anybody interested in a #emfcamp ticket ? I can't attend and want to give it on for the same price (it's a standard adult Ticket for 165 £, i paid in € and would like my money back) #emf #camp #ticket

(boosts appreciated )

"induced traffic": boring, hard to understand, message is not clear
"bro one more lane": funny, easy to understand, message is clear

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tech diy question, boosts welcome 

People who are building fun things to ride on during events: do you have any tips on where to get started?

After seeing people have tons of fun with home built vehicles at #gpn20 I really want to make my own.

I already have a rough design planned out but I'm wondering where I could source the parts cheaply.
I've seen lots of vehicles built from these "hoverboard" things but those still seem a bit expensive, at least on eBay.

Packing for our first trip in several years and of course we found a dead bug in the suitcase.

english trains will pull up to fuckin "Royal Archbishop's Meadowglade-on-Seamouth"
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Ok, apart from boycots. Shifting blame onto yourself and limiting resources available to you only serves the enemy.

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16yo me: Doing things because they're edgy and feel right.
27yo me: Doing the same stuff again somehow but now backed up by theory.

"intel software defined silicon"

:dragnwitch: ah so you finally put some fpgas in your cpus???

"no it's just DRM lol"


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