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Nice, my scraping framework thingem now has proper configuration validation

anyone have any advice on how to write a good cv for a tech job?


This shady corner in my front yard decided to grow a bunch of mushrooms. #sporespondence

i am going to dig into google-written cmake files, if i don’t come back you know where i went

this is how you obfuscate screenshots btw, there are ui fonts, in this case flow circular

I've said before that search engines stopped being useful when they started being more interesting in the real world, but I feel like this needs to be generalized more:

The internet used to be built for and used by the internet itself, the concept of interconnectivity and (then) abstract interactions, but that changed and now it's built for and used by the real-world, along with all its problems.

@cadxdr but also abolish the way the education system operates because it’s a stress/trauma generator

Replaced the CCFL tube backlight on my ThinkPad T41 with a modern LED replacement from AliExpress.
The results are outstanding, it's about as bright as my modern laptop (~600nits?).
Installation was very hard (took about 4 hours) and dimming doesn't work anymore.
Capturing such differences in pictures is pretty hard, but I think especially the difference in color vibrancy is pretty obvious from the pictures.

Only recommended for experts, I was sweating blood by the end:

elevator music but for like, systems maintenance

In the US, companies are under no obligation to honor any request that they stop sending you physical mail. Send them as many requests in as varied a format as you like; they can ignore each and every one.

EXCEPT. If you say "please stop, this mailing made me horny", they are required by federal law to immediately block your address. It doesn't have to be honest or sincere; just saying "your ad turned me on, and I don't like it" is enough. 🌈⭐️

I kind of don't like this thing that happens in many sitcoms where characters are complete assholes to each other and prank each other and shout at each other 90% of the time and then they shoehorn in stone heartfelt moments where they get all lovey dovey with each other and you're supposed to get the impression that actually, they really loved each other all this time

Lowkey normalizes abusive relationships

"The behavior of the police at Robb Elementary is only shocking if you are committed to a mythic notion of what policing entails. The “thin blue line” does not separate society from chaos. It instead separates those empowered by the state to uphold racial capitalism with violence... In the face of centuries of evidence exposing what the work of policing actually entails - and does not entail - the true ideologues are those committed to policing as a solution."


sometimes someone tells me they dont have an adblocker and that baffles me because the internet is an absolute hellscape without one

I cant believe some people go to work and dont feel like they are being forcibly removed from their life for 8+ hours

(I promise that it's about much more than just "what do X and Y mean"!)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.