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I've actually been here for a while already, though mostly inactive! The Birdsite Situation prompted me to pop in here again. And I'm terrible at writing introductions, so I usually just say "I do stuff on the internet".

But uh, I do all sorts of activist-y stuff, work on radical FOSS (see, write (educational) stuff, am more or less a lonely polyamorous gender blob of indeterminate sexuality who likes both cuddles and kinky things, and I always have 10 times as many projects as I have time for, as is customary with ADHD brain :) Sometimes I even finish some of them!

While I'm an introvert and need plenty of time to myself, I *am* happy to meet like-minded people and spend time with them, and as long as you're not a bigot or apologist, you should feel free to interact with me and/or follow me!

Also, I live in Rosmalen (near Den Bosch) in the Netherlands, and honestly would like to get to know more local folks, and I also have some vague intention to start a queer hackerspace around here if I can find enough interested people. Eventually!

Voor iedereen die nieuw is op Mastodon, kijk ook eens naar Matrix - net zoiets als Mastodon, maar dan voor chat, als alternatief voor bijvoorbeeld WhatsApp en Telegram. legt uit hoe je het gebruikt!

I kinda wonder why Mastodon doesn't let you 'override' an instance block on a per-user level with explicit communication? So they still wouldn't appear in the federated timeline, but at least you can follow/message them directly. Seems like an obvious mitigation to the "instance admin wars" problem...

I've had lots of thoughts lately about bounded versus unbounded systems.

A book is bounded; the global library system is unbounded. A CD is bounded; Spotify is unbounded. The world is effectively unbounded, and networked computer systems tend to be unbounded too.

Many things are bigger than a human can experience, or changing faster than a human can keep up with. Many curious explorers and tinkerers are drawn to these unbounded things because they are vast, unknowable, and therefore exciting.

But what finite, bounded things are worth exploring and tinkering with?

About the only tip I have for people landing here post-birdsite is the habit of defensively misspelling/obfuscating terms is not just unnecessary here but harmful.

Search is harder to do due to the federated nature, being a search-botting reply-guy is harder to do. However a lot of people can and do mute hot-button words for their own health.

If you think you need to obfuscate to prevent discovery there's probably a better privacy tool to deploy.

Assorted recs for new accounts:
@plants — plants from the gardens of various fedifriends! (and other topics: )

@glitchbot — a bot that glitches photos you give it

The hashtags #cats and #florespondence
@quasihaiku and @poem_exe — haiku bots (quasi avoids latin’s fifth glyph)

@alt_text — reminds you if you’ve forgotten to describe your images

Accounts by topic from the trunk:

by way of #introduction hi i'm andie sophia. i'm news editor at the reykjavík grapevine. i'm a nonbinary trans woman, a communist, and i will never not favorite pics of possums, cats or ravens. my presence here will be a mix of trans stuff, politics, and humor. happy to follow back likeminded folks. hope the days are kind to you all!

#introduction for those who don’t know me: i’m a cool as hell dutch gay nerd who loves programming (NEVER finishing anything i start on ever), typography and mario kart

#FediTip if you get a link to a post or profile and want to interact with it, put it in your search box.

FYI for newbies 

Twitter has algorithms to get you engaged. Mastodon does not. So in order to enjoy Mastodon you have to take some time to reach out and find content and follow folks that you enjoy. Don't expect Mastodon to send you random popular posts to keep you engaged, you have to curate your own feed. But this is good! It gives you control.


like, a lot of twitter takes about mastodon read very much like people who have only ever traveled by car complaining about the existence of any other infrastructure

anything that doesn't exactly replicate the convenience of the car must be shunned

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A few years ago I made this flow chart of which Mastodon posts end up in which timelines!

So, you can see how each instance will have a different local timeline, and even a slightly different federated timeline - and you can see why the federated timeline moves so much faster than the local one, too.

This is why it's important to boost good posts and use hashtags - the fediverse is fragmented and harder to search by nature.

[ #mastodon #meta #tootorial #howto #mastopedia #mastotip ]

Oh my god, reading this article: and I realized that what I hate(d) about the current internet culture is that everyone seems to be out to make everyone else customers, not friends. I am here to make friends, I don't want your money. A few people want my money, because they make products like books. That's okay too, because they talk to me like a human not a customer. Rule of thumb for me now is : Treat People Like People.

Zo. Alweer een flink deel van m'n Twitter follows hier gemirrored :)

Tip for people seeing friends join -- it is not a good fediverse neighbor! Myself and a bunch of other admins blocked it a couple years ago because the people who were running it were unfriendly to the point of abusive!

They admit to some of this in their own FAQ:

Get your friends on good servers. 💚

(Like here, for example! I'll send an invite code to anyone, and any Shop member can make invites)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.