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Zo. Alweer een flink deel van m'n Twitter follows hier gemirrored :)

Tip for people seeing friends join -- it is not a good fediverse neighbor! Myself and a bunch of other admins blocked it a couple years ago because the people who were running it were unfriendly to the point of abusive!

They admit to some of this in their own FAQ:

Get your friends on good servers. 💚

(Like here, for example! I'll send an invite code to anyone, and any Shop member can make invites)

me, logging on today, reading the struggles of other instance admins like

I should probably work out how to mirror my toots to Twitter... anybody have any suggestions?

@rigatonimonster it's this famous study where they said to a kid, "you can have one marshmallow now, or two marshmallows later," and the kids who took the two marshmallows had higher SAT scores and better life outcomes. This is supposed to prove that being able to delay gratification is good, rather than proving that people whose life experience has given them reason to trust authority and go along to get along have an easier time succeeding

I am a simple hacker, I hear the word blockchain and I immediately loose interest #36c3

having to go to the datacenter for maintenence always sounds cool to me. My "going to the datacenter" is just walking downstairs to the utility closet and giving my laptop-server a boop


nixos configuration, day 24: in which i realize i have been swindled into creating a linux distribution


like it could just be you put one in your profile name like

🔵 / ✅ doin good ayyyyyy

⚫ /⚪ hanging in there but maybe say a nice thing if you have the energy

⛔ /🚫 /🔴 doin real bad please be nice and give me space if i ask

⚠️ / 🆘 having a crash please be nice and/or assist if you're up for it

like that way all the triggering detail stuff is still under an mh(-) CW but also you can still safely share your status and know what's up with friends

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@GreenandBlack in New York most folks have an unlimited metrocard, and people who are too poor to afford one will often ask to be swiped in by people on their way out. it's generally polite New York etiquette to swipe these people in.

the city government has tried to crack down on it claiming that it's costing the city money (lol), but the response to that from the resounding majority of New Yorkers has been "fuck you"

regarding the whole fedibooks drama 

the FSE admin is still mad about what happened and he's talking about how i abused my power

i know i abused my power, but i believe that abuse was justified. the amount of harassment i've experienced from FSE is unreal. i found it entertaining at first because of how easy it was to mess with the harassers, but as time went on it began to grate on me, so i just blocked FSE. easy as that.

as the admin of a community, you hold responsibility for what your users do. i had even asked p (the admin) to ban one of the particularly shitty people once (i'm pretty sure this person was the guy who went on to make that wages of sin death site) and he refused. if you allow abuse to happen when you're fully aware and able to stop it, you're being a bad person. i'm sure you learned about being a "bully bystander" in primary school.

so this community of shits decides they want to use my service for free. i could have just banned their bot, but that wouldn't have sent the right message. they almost certainly would have recreated it on a different instance in an attempt to hide it from me. so i decided to really show them that they weren't welcome by posting the oauth token, allowing anyone to post from this bot.

sure enough, i've seen a few other shitty people saying that they're revoking fedibooks' access to their bots. this is exactly what i wanted - nazis know they aren't welcome now.

the rise of the far right is a very real thing, and it won't be pushed back by peaceful protests and letters to congressmen. stonewall was a violent demonstration. we need to play outside the rules to show these people that they aren't welcome, and this whole pbooks drama is a perfect example of that. i could have just banned the bot, but i took it a step further, and now nazis are afraid to use my service.

i'm not saying that my actions are comparable to stonewall or anything. i'm saying that every act of resistance, no matter how small, matters. given how angry and upset the FSE community is about this, and how other alt-right types are leaving fedibooks, i'd say i've won.

i don't plan on doing this again, but i will if things get bad and nazis start to think they're welcome again.


I just discovered Someone else thinks there is such a thing as "lost individual creativity of the web" :D

Agree with this article pinned at Neocities, too! Pesonal websites were the best. I hope they do come back.


Wired, 1993: Rebels with a Cause - Your Privacy. "On the cover were Eric Hughes, Tim May, John Gilmore, holding up an American flag, faces hidden behind white mask, their PGP fingerprints written on the foreheads. Gilmore even sporting an newly-founded EFF T-shirt. (from Thomas Rid, CS Monitor)"

Wired, 2019: YOU'RE IN PRIVATE MODE. To continue using a private window, sign in or subscribe. The title of the article being denied reads "It's Time to Switch to a Privacy Browser. Ad trackers are out of control".

I know that e-scooters can be annoying and all but may we not be distracted from the real enemy: cars

I'm livestreaming my 3D printer (via Jitsi Meet because easy, just deny mic/cam access):

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.