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leftist strategy, pondering 

I've been pondering for some time about how to deal with the problem of it being fundamentally easier for populist rhetoric to take popular hold (compared to in-depth analysis), while also being fundamentally dangerous because it can be easily coopted.

I'm wondering if maybe what we need as leftists isn't some sort of rhetoric that 'feels' populist on the face of it, but that is basically impossible to engage with or talk about without doing deeper analysis and reflection first (as a co-opting defense). What exactly that rhetoric would be, I'm not sure.

undoing a red-brown meme about physical fitness as "praxis" 

for real though if you have loved or expressed joy today, you have worked harder on effective self-improvement than a fascist has by lifting weights

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[SOLVED] it's 2^n - 1

Any math nerds on here? (who am I kidding)

What's the formula for the maximum number of combinations, where the length of combinations can be anywhere between 1 to n (number of items)?

I have found several calculators for this but they all assume that the length of the combinations remains constant

Attention all blind or visually impaired Mastodonians: I’m attaching a time sensitive poll in the which I would greatly appreciate your participation. Rest assured that should you do so, none of your identifying information will be disclosed. The purpose of this poll is for data gathering only. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Please feel free to boost for a further reach.

Laziness does not exist.

Anyone telling you you're lazy, including yourself, is attempting to force you to conform to a Puritan morality system that glorifies work.

Being unable to do something is the result of something being in the way of your ability to do that something.

Don't fall into the trap where you make being unable to identify that something a moral failure. It's not. You're not.

a bright new palette for you to enjoy:

Bailey Bells (#8687cb),
Spoiled Rotten (#b3c0e6),
Sapphired (#5981a6),
Glacier Point (#b3dae6), and
Surf Wash (#86cbca)

#color #ColorPalette

Are you working on anything accessibility at a company (perhaps in preparation for the European Accessibility Act going into effect)? What is going well? Where are you struggling? I’d love to hear from you!

@domo @scremlin Oh! After a bit more searching, it seems that the listing you're referring to is (which didn't show for me on the frontpage), I got it mixed up with the one that's approximately 99 cents *per mask* (ie. 19.95 EUR for a pack of 20)

i did ask the Drupal Association organizers to ask the venue:

- If they have measured carbon dioxide levels for each room at similar-sized events?
- If they have filtration suitable for COVID-19 and flu (bird and other) mitigation, for example more than 5 air exchanges an hour with MERV-13 or higher filters.

And to commit to providing free tests and masks.

(Have not gotten this in the past, but big expensive conference centers tend to do well with air exchanges in rooms, not big halls.)

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"The Hyatt does not measure carbon dioxide levels. And, Yes, their system run at its maximum can do 6 air exchanges per hour with outside air."

Despite not being a multi-billion-dollar hotel chain, i can measure carbon dioxide levels and will. I'll have extra masks also although again the offer to sponsor free masks—which our tiny web development agency could actually afford—has not been accepted.

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You can get a pack of 20 expired FFP2 masks for 99 cents (euros). They're safe, but the elastic band adhesive may fail, so keep a pack in your backpack just in case. I've gone through 125 with @scremlin since November last year and have only had the string adhesive fail on 2 of them. Both failed right out of the pack, so I put them in a separate baggy and will just reglue them on another occasion. Highly recommend if you live in the EU.

#covid #masks #masking #mondkapje #monkapjes #CovidIsNotOver

@nora it boggles the mind that people still think capitalism is efficient when it's very clear that's a lie. capitalism encourages non-cooperation which is almost the exact opposite of an efficient system.
capitalism encourages convergence to the Nash equalibrium, a concept that is notable for very often being suboptimal or even the worst solution. capitalism looks at the prisoners' dilemma - a game whose whole point is that it's extremely easy to optimise if the two players can cooperate - and asks us to reject cooperation.
capitalism is why you get maximisation of externalities. capitalism is why you get the Peter principle. capitalism detests delayed gratification and essentially fails the Stanford marshmallow test every time.¹

capitalism is NOT efficient. that is, and always has been, a lie.

¹ yeah i know that was a bad experiment that since failed replication. but it's a good metaphor.

uspol, authoritarianism, this one's serious 

Trump signs executive order saying all independent agencies are directed by him, must be loyal to him, all relevant laws affecting them are interpreted by him, and have spies embedded in them which report to him

Folks, here it is. This is totalitarianism. US friends, if you're looking for your signal of whether or not you should start making other plans, this is the one.

having a warm drink near a cold window? you may be entitled to condensation

Uspol, rightwing death, whiteness in a nutshell, some ableist wording in quoted toot

It is so darkly funny to me that folks who participated in notorious fascist acts of violence like J6 or this guy showing up at the pizza place who are later set free keep dying at the hands of police bc we still live in a police state.

I mean, largely symbolic acts of the government removing consequences from their actions and deceiving them into believing they're invincible, only for them to turn around and get killed by the armed enforcers of that same government very quickly bc they're still not the ruling class? And are still very much at risk like the rest of us?

If that ain't the perfect example of whiteness in a nutshell idk what is!

how dare you write something like this on the website of a university

"efficient, well-ordered" 🤣

People complain about 'leftist infighting' and how that supposedly means leftists can't get anything done but like, have you ever really looked at what the social dynamics within actual operating governments are like?

Because every time some story about it comes out, it sure sounds awfully similar.

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