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I cleaned my keyboard and accidentally swapped the B and V keycaps.

This has caused me to discover that for writing words I touch type as I have no problem using the board like this... but when I try to copy and paste text? I *do* look at the keys and the swap fools me every time.

Experimental design!

I use a 40% keyboard with three layers at home. I do not know why I bother to do this it's very annoying but the keyboard is so handsome looking...

Maybe this is a sign to move on.

subtoot, NixOS 

@joepie91 it's almost like not caring about consent is a consistent political ideology and we've been saying that for ages

Bij m'n laatste AH-bestelling zaten wat probeerzakjes van "Yogi Tea".

Op de verpakking: "bereidingsinstructies voor veilige consumptie".

Afijn, die gaan we dus niet drinken en zeker niet kopen...

Content warnings for politics people, I beg you :blobfoxtableflip:

subtoot, NixOS 

Oh look, the guy who did a malicious merge in nixpkgs is now complaining about Mastodon being "toxic" and leaving for Twitter instead.

I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with people calling out his malicious behaviour on here and not accepting his bullshit justifications.

DHH going full mask off racist is a good time for a reminder that him and his wee pal wrote all that organisational management 💩thought leadership💩 based on running a company with *a few dozen employees* and is basically the manager of your local supermarket posting on facebook about how you can't say anything these days

I'm so excited to grow more corn this year. Last year was my first time.

Last season I learned that the seed packets aren't joking about not planting corn varieties within 80 feet from each other.

I accidentally cross pollinated my glass gem corn and blue indigo corn and it turned out beautiful and I saved the seeds because it's so fun for decoration. I think giving my friends cute little corn bundles would be well received.

I'll make sure to actually follow instructions for all the sweet corn I'm hoping to grow though lol.

With HomeAssistant you are finally independent from some vendor's cloud service. No matter if the cloud is up or not, your light switches can stop working regardless!

The world if programmers put half the effort into designing robust plugin architectures that they put into architecting their own code today

uspol, my personal analysis, racism, whiteness and male cishetness in general 

there are some theories going around that trump is a kgb/fsb asset and while there is certainty that trump and putin are buddy buddies, completely writing trump off as a foreign influence glosses over the fact that american society over the course of its history has been and is plagued by white supremacy, misogyny, queerphobia and capitalist individualism, thus favoring folks like trump with or without intervention

"AI" companies are why you can't buy a graphics card.

"Er zijn nog 3 klanten voor je. Onze bezorger verwacht tussen 19:30 en 20:00 uur bij je te zijn."

Uhu. Natuurlijk.

a new guy walked into the Time Loop Cafe today. we all froze

that doesn’t happen. new people don’t arrive

he looked confused. we didn’t tell him. he’ll figure it out

he always does

self-hosting is easy in the same way that redoing your kitchen is easy. If you have a ton of spare time, decades of relevant first hand experience, and disposable income (and a house), sure it's no biggie. but if not, that tt or yt video is lying and you should outsource or abandon.

are there any other games like super hexagon that i can easily just open on my laptop and play for <5 minutes at a time? i know this is a very broad category but

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.